Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:27 PM

Chapter 5370: Can she do it?

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The machine's rapid and sharp alarm sounded.

 The expressions of He Yuan and others suddenly changed.

"Failed." He Jia's fingers were a little blue and white due to excessive force. At this moment, she was sweating profusely from nervousness.

After Guanyan failed to invade the big screen, the other party followed the network cable and attacked their host frantically. Guanyan gradually lost control, smashed his hands on the keyboard, raised his head, and watched the other party eat away at his computer step by step. …

 Until the computer screen goes black.

 Guan Yan looked pale as if he had just finished a defeated battle. He twitched the corners of his mouth, turned around and said to the girl next to him: "Fortunately, Sun, you anticipated the outcome and asked them to cut off the signal here in advance."

 Qiao Nian crossed her legs and put the computer on her legs. She looked away from the screen, her black eyelashes lowered to suppress the sharpness in her eyes, and she said softly.

"You did a good job. You helped me avoid a lot of traps, and I also saw some opportunities."

"Really?" Guanyan was pulled out of his subtle feeling of disappointment, and his peach blossom eyes regained their brightness: "Boss, are you sure?"

 But for a proud man like Qiao Nian who has never failed, 60% certainty is not high, and there is even a lot of uncertainty in it.

 The girl answered her first question first: "Yeah."

Her short hair falls down to the sides of her shoulders, with neat and crisp arcs.

"Sixty percent..." Guan Yan was a little surprised when he learned that. Sixty percent was considered a high level of confidence for ordinary people, after all, it was more than half.

 Qiao Nian lowered his peaked cap, bowed slightly, turned on his computer, and dropped his collar slightly to reveal the cold white collarbone underneath.

 Immediately he said the second one: "Sixty percent."

 Her computer turned on.

 Guan Yan consciously held his breath, raised his white neck and stared at the big screen to see how Qiao Nian planned to invade the other party's host.

  The big screen in the control room went dark for ten minutes and then lit up again. Time seemed to be stretched out, and every second seemed extremely long.

Everyone's face is full of seriousness and anxiety, and their eyes reveal uneasiness and worry. They frowned or pursed their lips, as if they were trying their best to deal with the sudden tension.

Even though Guan Yan had already reminded them not to disturb Qiao Nian’s work, some people still couldn’t bear the huge psychological pressure and said softly.

 “Is she okay?”

 No one answered him.

He said to himself again: "Guan Yan is so powerful but has not succeeded, can she do it?"

Bo Jingxing and Guan Yan arrived earlier, and the people here knew more about Guan Yan’s strength than Qiao Nian’s.

Even if Guan Yan said that Qiao Nian was very good in this area, they had just witnessed how Guan Yan failed, and it was inevitable that some people would become doubtful.

“She looks so young. I heard she hasn’t graduated from Tsinghua University yet, right?”

 “Nor a computer major.”

He Yuan and others did not say that, but I have to admit that he expressed what most people are most worried about.

Ye Wangchuan stood there, exuding a cold aura.

“Who stipulated that computer science students must be good hackers? You stipulated it?”


His eyes were cold and his voice was so cold that it made your heart tremble. This simple and direct indifference makes it easy for people to detect his emotions.

The man who questioned Qiao Nian turned pale with fright, shrank his neck, and hid behind his colleague, secretly regretting that he was so outspoken that he said what he was thinking. (End of chapter)

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