Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:20 PM

Chapter 5374: Sister Nian: Watch me show you

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He tugged at a corner of his thin lips: "This is an offensive and defensive game. When they have the upper hand, they must sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and not be impatient. Five minutes ago, the two sides exchanged positions and Qiao Nian had the upper hand... If it were you, Do you still pay attention to whether it is one-on-one?”

Bo Jingxing said thoughtfully: "...No." He only cares about winning or losing.

Ye Wangchuan pursed his lips, stopped answering him, and stopped looking at him. He focused his gaze again on the girl a few meters away.

 Guan Yan was watching beside her.

 A few meters away from her, there were more than a dozen of them staring at her anxiously, waiting for a result. He Yuan and others were nervous and sweating profusely.

 Only she, as the protagonist, was not overwhelmed by the pressure. She was sitting cross-legged on the chair with one leg casually on the ground and leaning back.

The outside light shines on her and you can see her clear facial contours, and the time also favors her. It slides along the girl's chin and into the collar, outlining the slender neck line and fragile collarbone...

 She raised her head and spoke to Guan Yan.

He was far away and couldn't hear clearly what they said, but Guan Yan's eyes lit up and he went back to get the USB flash drive.

The girl's slender white fingers caught the USB flash drive and played with it for a while. She seemed to find it quite interesting and even raised the corners of her lips and chuckled.

 “She will win.”

Bo Jingxing was caught off guard and ate the dog food. He calmly raised his hand to push up his glasses and followed his gaze -

 He stared thoughtfully: "Yeah."



“Qiao Nian will never lose with me.”

Ye Wangchuan's eyes slid back and forth, his eyes filled with lingering feelings.


But what he was looking at was not Qiao Nian, but the Guan Inkstone next to Qiao Nian.

 Qiao Nian didn't know that anyone was looking at her, or in other words, once she entered the state, she didn't care much about the outside world's eyes on her, and was completely immersed in her own world.

 Guan Yan pointed at the computer.

"Sun, they are starting to fix the vulnerability. Are you in time?" Qiao Nian inserted the USB flash drive, moved her fingers again, put her hands on the keyboard and glanced at the code that was constantly refreshing on the screen.

She sneered.

 “The rabble.”

 She finished speaking and had already started to fight back.

He said to Guan Yan casually: "Look carefully. Hackers don't use human sea tactics, and we are not afraid of them using human sea tactics. In the digital world, there is no use having too many people!"


 On the other side, there is a space center in M ​​state.

 They were celebrating their victory a second ago.

 “The bug is starting to be fixed.”

“Their Trojan implantation has slowed down.”

“The Sentinel system has been reactivated and can continue to detect and kill invading viruses immediately…”

The crowd cheered and clapped to celebrate their 'victory'.

 Sure enough.

 It is still too unrealistic for humans to defeat supercomputers.

Not to mention that in addition to the strongest defense system in the world, they also have the best programmers, which are enough to deal with hackers who come to challenge.

At present, the Desert Rose in the illegal zone is about to face his sixth failure - everyone is eagerly looking forward to seeing their system expel this arrogant hacker!

 Time passes minute by minute.

Every second is like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart. Everyone holds their breath and stares at the changes in offense and defense on the floating screen.

at this time.

 They saw ‘Guan Yan’ being forced into a corner.

 Someone smiled relaxedly: "The Sentinel system still won. I really want to see if this illegal zone hacker will humiliate himself again." (End of this chapter)

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