Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:20 PM

Chapter 5375: we lost control

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 He just finished speaking.

 The offensive and defensive situation on the scene suddenly reversed.

The Trojan horse virus that seemed to be cornered before and was about to strangle the reactivated Sentinel system suddenly changed its strategy.

 It collides directly with the Sentinel system.

No one has reacted yet.

I heard the Starlink programmers inside curse: "Fuck, hurry up! Emergency stop the self-destruct program, hurry up and enter the password."

“Team leader, the password we enter at this time may be stolen by the other party. Are you sure?” a team member asked impatiently.

The leading man didn't care much. He lay on the back of their chairs and roared angrily: "Stop talking to me so much! Hurry up!"

Starlink has a terminal terminal program. If it encounters an extremely dangerous situation, the system will automatically kill all programs and format the data...

 Generally, top-level weapon activation devices have this kind of program in them, just to prevent their belongings from falling into the hands of outsiders one day.

 The same goes for Starlink.

This hacker is different from all the previous hackers.

 She did not follow the routine and activated the Starlink terminal's self-destruction program, forcing them to terminate the program. And they had to do it...

 Starlink data cannot be formatted.

Those hackers who try to invade the Starlink host always want to find loopholes, destroy the Sentinel system, and obtain further data.

 This **** hacker is a crazy person.

 At least it’s not formatting now.

 “Team leader…”

“Enter your password!” The programmers gritted their teeth and entered their ultimate password.

The half-formatted progress bar on the screen stopped. Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that the other party had cunningly stolen their passwords.

The virus invaded the Starlink host in an instant, and they lost control of the host.

 The programmer immediately tried to move the mouse and found that he could no longer control the mouse on the computer.

 “Fuck!” He punched the keyboard so hard that the keycaps flew up. The programmer grabbed his hair and looked back at his boss with scarlet eyes: "We lost...control."

His boss, a curly-haired white man, clenched his cheeks, veins popped out in his neck, and said hastily without saying a word: "I'll report it to the Sixth Continent."

The people who stayed behind raised their heads and watched helplessly as they clearly didn’t move anything. The computer page on the screen seemed to be operated by someone, and they entered the folder slowly and began to copy the data inside...

The person on the other side was probably quite bored during the copying process, and even found a small program to pull out the card game that comes with the console and started playing it.

This is undoubtedly a challenge to the dignity of everyone present.

A group of top scientists + programmers were so angry that they were so angry that their eyes almost bulged out, but they couldn't do anything to the people on the opposite side.

 They no longer have control over the host, the control lies with the other party, and the other party still has their key...

 The moment they terminated the host formatting, they lost.

 Ten minutes, to them, seemed like a century. It was so long that everyone went from shock and anger to numbness.

 They were forced to watch a low-intelligence card game for ten minutes. The copy progress bar finally reached 100%, and the other side had finished copying!

"...I'm sure this is our most shameful day." One of the Starlink engineers uttered a trembling soul.

 They are so embarrassing.

Having had their home robbed in front of their eyes, they also watched how others copied their information. (End of chapter)

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