Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:15 PM

Chapter 5378: I don’t want to be friends with my ex-boyfriend’s brother

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"Tsk, so heartless." Bao Jingxing said this, but his eyes were observing her: "That Wangchuan..."

Guan Yan rolled his eyelashes slightly: "He? He is my sister's boyfriend. Is he related to my ex-boyfriend?"

"..." Bao Jingxing was stunned for a moment when he was asked back. After a while, he realized it and felt fresh. He couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, and said politely: "Miss Guan Yan must give me a chance to send you back. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain... "

"It's your fault that you can't explain it well. I've already helped you a lot. I don't need to be responsible for your emotions." Guan Yan picked up his bag and prepared to pass him by.

Bo Jingxing touched the bridge of his nose when she said it, and followed him helplessly: "It's raining outside, Didi won't be able to get through for a while, I'll see you off..."

Guan Yan had already walked to the door and looked at the distance on the taxi app. He was probably a little impatient because of his noise.

She half-closed her narrow peach blossom eyes, her bright eyes filled with aggression, and suddenly looked at the man who was following her: "I think I didn't speak clearly enough. I thank you for speaking for me in front of Qin Si and his mother, but I don't want to talk to you. I don’t want to cause trouble for anyone in that circle, especially if you and Qin Si are still friends. Do you understand me? "

"...I don't think I understand, but you made it so clear that it seems hard for me to pretend to be stupid." Bao Jingxing smiled, but he didn't mean to be angry.

The first time he was rejected like this was by a member of the opposite sex. He was somewhat embarrassed, but he was a calm gentleman and was never a man who would make a fuss because he lost face.

Bo Jingxing judged Guan Yan's mood at the moment in a short time and no longer insisted on sending her back. Instead, he stepped back very wisely and said, "I promised Wangchuan and Qiao Nian to send you back. Since you don't want to have anything to do with me, let's do this. I'll drive behind your car. Miss Guanyan, that's okay. Problem?"


Guan Yan replied a little irritably.

She felt that she had said it clearly enough, and she didn't understand why Bao Jingxian still followed her and had to 'send her off' in an alternative way.

Bo Jingxing didn't seem to care about her suddenly irritable attitude. With a smile on his thin lips, he kept two steps away from her and leaned against the pillar to wait for the bus with her. It is pouring rain outside.

 The heavy rain has been falling continuously in your province for two days.

 There is no intention of stopping yet.

 Guan Yan watched as he shouted and the car drove over the rain. He was about to rush into the rain when his elbow was suddenly pulled.

 Then a warm coat was placed over her head.

Before Guan Yan could see clearly, he heard the man's low and elegant voice: "Hold it, it's raining outside, don't get wet."

Guan Yan frowned. He originally wanted to return the coat to him, but he felt rebellious and didn't even say thank you. He held his coat with both hands and rushed into the rain and got into the car.

In the car, she threw her wet coat on the seat next to her, told the driver the hotel address, and then looked out the window with frowning eyes.

She saw Bao Jingxing wearing only a thin shirt and taking the car keys to drive his car in the rain. Her tall figure in the rain reminded her of the scene of him blocking her before.

Guan Yan withdrew his gaze and said to the driver, "Let's go."

She didn't know why Bo Jingxing gave her his coat to protect her from the rain and why he insisted on sending her back to the hotel... She was not interested in delving into the reason. (End of chapter)

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