Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:14 PM

Chapter 5380: Qin Si slapped him in the face

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Chapter 5380: Slap Qin Si

Qin Si's heart seemed to have been cut into countless pieces and still trying to remain intact. Looking at his respected parents, he was left with only heartbreak.

"Is our Qin family so unbearable? Am I so useless in your hearts? Can our family maintain its current status only through marriage and the marriage through which you betrayed your son?"

Mrs. Qin turned away from his question: "...I didn't ask you to be with He Jia. You can also find someone else..."

Qin Si was hysterical: "I **** like someone!"

Mrs. Qin turned around and said decisively: "She can't do it!"

 “I can’t watch the inkstone!”

"Ha!" Probably because he was extremely sad, Qin Si laughed angrily, looked into her eyes, and said sarcastically: "Why can't Guan Yan be the only one? You just want to find a daughter-in-law who can be controlled, just like controlling I will also control the rest of my life. Because she is the wind of freedom, you cannot control her, so you do not allow me to be with her. To put it bluntly, you just want to continue to control me..."

 “Qin Si!” Mrs. Qin patiently shouted to stop.

Qin Si seemed to have heard nothing: "Am I wrong? You like selling your son so much, why don't you just announce our engagement? Is there any need for me to go over to have dinner with others? Just take it seriously, my opinion It was never within your scope of consideration..."

 With a loud sound.


Qin Si tilted his head and all his words were shattered in the air.

He remained motionless as he received the slap, as if his soul had been lost in the slap and became a wooden person.

 Until Mrs. Qin’s suppressed cries came from the suite. Qin Si reluctantly turned his head and saw his always strong mother covering her face and crying.

  His already dead heart twitched again, and the feelings he had for his parents over the years took over and slightly pulled his sanity back.

He reached out and pressed Mrs. Qin's shoulders, and moved his lips: "Stop crying. I'm going to eat the dinner you mentioned."

"I'm just doing it for your own good..." Mrs. Qin took her hand away, covering her eyes with red eyes and unfinished tears: "I am your mother, will I still harm you?"

"..." Qin Si couldn't say a word. The corners of his mouth twitched like a clown. He wanted to laugh or cry, but he was too numb and empty to make any expression.

Mrs. Qin wiped away her tears and continued: "He Jia comes from a famous family, and she is one of the few girls among the younger generation who pursues scientific research without being a monster. You have also met her. She looks like the type you liked before, and her personality Quiet and well-behaved, I don’t know what you are dissatisfied with. You are dissatisfied just because you haven’t had contact with her yet. Once you do, you will definitely like her.”

Mrs. Qin has gotten along with He Jia herself and likes this girl's unpretentious temperament very much.

He Jia was born into a proud girl and came from an aristocratic family. She was much more outstanding than Jiang Xianrou and others who were rumored to be famous.

But she is neither arrogant nor impetuous, does not have the arrogant problems like Jiang Xianrou, and has a pure and tolerant heart.

 This is the rarest girl in the upper class circles.

Mrs. Qin was selected as the blind date for her son after a lot of selection. As a result, she was accused of selling her son, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"You should get in touch with her first. If you really don't like her, can we talk about it later?" She still knew not to push her too hard, so she spoke to Qin Si in a consultative tone.

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