Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:13 PM

Chapter 5381: Miss Guan Yan, what are your plans after the breakup?

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Chapter 5381 What are Miss Guan Yan’s plans after the breakup?

Qin Si looked at her earnest persuasion, feeling devastated and forced himself to nod: "Okay."

Mrs. Qin wiped away her tears and happily called someone to prepare a change of clothes. She didn't forget to remind him: "Go take a shower quickly, you smell like alcohol."

 Qin Si was half-pushed into the bathroom by her.

In the steamy bathroom, he picked up his cell phone and wanted to tell Guan Yan that he would not really go on a blind date with He Jia, saying that he was just taking care of the family...

 But with the edited news right in front of him, he lost the courage to send it out.

 There is only his message in the dialog box.

He seemed to be a puppet talking to himself. He was not sure whether Guan Yan had seen the messages he sent.

 It means you didn’t see it, you don’t want to reply, or you don’t care at all.

Qin Si finally deleted the edited message, threw his cell phone into the sink of the hand wash, walked inside and took a cold shower.

Guan Yan looked up and saw the black Bentley parked not far away sliding in front of her. The window was rolled down, revealing Bo Jingxing's impeccably handsome face.

 At half past six in the evening.


 “Miss Guan Yan.”

 Guan Yan went to the hotel lobby on time to wait for someone.

Just as she was about to send a message to ask where the person was, the sound of Didi’s horn came out in front of her.

 He raised the corners of his lips in greeting.

Guan Yan walked to the back and was about to open the door, but found that the door was locked.

She returned to the stands and narrowed her eyes at the man in the car: "What do you mean?" Bo Jingxing's suit shirt was hanging at the elbow, and he wore a Patek Philippe watch on his hand. The fox's eyes rippled behind the lenses.

“Miss Guan Yan, why don’t you take the passenger seat?”


“You’re sitting in the back, and I look like the Didi driver you took a taxi with this afternoon.” His understatement was convincing.

Guan Yan didn't expect that he was so concerned about image, and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, I didn't think about it that much." While opening the car door in front, he was annoyed in his heart that these princelings in the Beijing circle had so many scenes. Fortunately, she stayed It won't be long before she leaves, otherwise she will be bored to death.

After getting in the car, she fastened her seat belt and began to tilt her head out the window to watch the rainy scene outside, as if she didn't want to communicate with Bo Jingxing at all.

Bo Jingxing is extremely patient. Others would have to find something to say when faced with such a cold reception, but he didn't.

Guan Yan didn't want to talk to him, so he stayed silent and drove his car quietly, steadily driving people to their destination tonight.

 Until you hit a traffic light intersection.

He saw the woman who was looking at the scenery outside the car window look back in disinterest, took out her mobile phone, hesitated for a few seconds and clicked on the profile picture at the top of WeChat.

Bo Jingxing's good upbringing did not allow him to peek into women's privacy. He looked away and looked out the car window, but the light refracted by the phone was reflected on the car window.

Bo Jingxing could not help but see her flipping through the WeChat page sent by Qin Si.

 The atmosphere inside the car becomes dry.

“Ahem.” He raised his fist and put it to his lips, coughing twice to remind Guan Yan that he could see.

Guan Yan turned around when she heard the voice, and ran into the man's deep eyes. She took a second to react, expressionless, and dimmed the screen light, threw the phone back into the bag, propped her chin with one hand, and looked out the window again. The rain scene makes me feel as wet and cold as the rain, which is not wonderful.

Bo Jingxing suddenly said, "What are Miss Guan Yan's plans after the breakup?"

PS: After this meal, Sister Nian is going to start a career

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