Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:12 PM

Chapter 5382: Guan Yan: My sister is engaged in career

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Chapter 5382 Guan Yan: Sister is engaged in career

  Guan Yan propped up his cheeks and said: "Build a career."

Bo Jingxing saw the red light in front of him turn green, stepped on the accelerator and drove steadily through the traffic-jammed intersection, his profile erect, shrouded in the faint light of the rainy day.

 Handsome and charming.


"Huh?" Guan Yan turned her head and looked at him with a little curiosity after hearing the unexpected answer: "Okay? Don't you all think that it is enough for a woman to just stay at home, get married and have children?"

"Plop." Bao Jingxing chuckled, probably feeling a little wronged, and glanced in her direction with his fox eyes: "Miss Guan Yan, don't overturn a whole boat of people with one pole."

"…"Is not it?

Bo Jingxing held the steering wheel firmly with both hands, looked ahead and drove seriously while talking to her: "Not everyone needs their lover to sacrifice to fulfill their relationship. My family and I don't have this concept, and I have a nickname. You probably I heard them call me Bo Er.”

"so what?"

Bo Jingxing: "So I have an older brother, and I am a non-marriage person."

Guan Yan felt much more at ease: "Ah, let's go to South Africa to catch poachers."

These huge profits are like poison and will attract a large number of desperadoes who are not afraid of death.

Guan Yan raised his eyebrows heavily and finally looked at him seriously, with a defensiveness in his eyes that he didn't even notice had been lifted.

 But Bo Jingxing noticed the spikes she had put away, raised the corners of his mouth, and said gradually: "Will you leave the capital later?"

July is the day of the great animal migration in South Africa. Poachers are extremely rampant in July and August. They will seize the opportunity when wild animals gather to migrate together and hunt rare animals and make huge profits by selling their furs and water chestnuts...

The International Society for the Protection of Animals organizes volunteers to go to South Africa to protect animals every year, but unfortunately the results are mediocre... Guan Yan is not one of their members.

  She reached an agreement with the IPA.

 She will act alone, and she has the power to shoot and kill extreme poachers if she encounters them. Bo Jingxing stepped on the brakes and turned his head to look at her in surprise.

Guan Yan didn't care whether the look in his eyes was curiosity or incomprehension. He put his hands on the back of his head and leaned back, saying frivolously.

 “Look what I do. Hackers are not allowed to do animal protection?”

"I just think... you are different from what I imagined."

Guan Yan tilted his head and his beautiful eyes twinkled: "I am not a noble person, don't get me wrong. I just like to hunt self-righteous 'hunters'."

"Really." Bo Jingxing did not expose her lie. A multinational businesswoman likes astronomy and is committed to wildlife protection... She said she just likes hunting, so that's it.

Neither of them continued the topic, or it could be said that Bo Jingxing just wanted to find a topic from the beginning and did not want to see her indulge in a faint sad atmosphere.

Seeing that the faint sadness lingering around Guan Yan seemed to have disappeared, he chose to be quiet and give her enough room to rest.


 On the other side, He Yuan and others have arrived at the eating place.

 He asked the waiter to bring a few experts over first, and specifically called his daughter: "Jiajia, please wait for the others at the door with me."

 “Um, okay.” He Jia stayed at the end obediently and let her uncles go first.

He Yuan and others walked away.

 He opened his legs and said to his daughter: "Come here with me."

He Jia followed.

The two of them walked to a place with green plants. He Yuan stopped first and stood still. Mi looked at his tall and graceful daughter with a complicated expression and said, "I have something to tell you."

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