Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:11 PM

Chapter 5383: In fact, tonight is a blind date for you

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Chapter 5383 In fact, tonight is a blind date for you

He Jia still has the nature of a little girl: "Dad, what are you going to say? You even called me here specifically. What will happen when Sister Yan and the others come and can't find us?"

He Yuan smiled, reached out and poked her forehead, shook his head with a smile: "You, you, I don't think you have grown up!"

He Jia pursed her lips and covered her head, urging him: "Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it. I'm still waiting for Sister Guan Yan to come over and want to ask her some questions about radio astronomy."

He Yuan respected her wishes, no longer wasting time, and told her straightforwardly: "Your Aunt Qin will bring her son over to have dinner with us later. What do you think?"

“What?” He Jia muttered, “Didn’t I make an appointment with my aunt to find another time to have dinner together when we return to Beijing?”

He Yuan said directly: "She called me when she came to your province and made an appointment for dinner. I thought that we would be busy in the next few days and might not be able to spare time to have a meal with them alone, so I decided to Let’s take advantage of tonight’s time to ask them to come together.”

"Oh." He Jia didn't look very interested and frequently looked over his shoulder toward the door, as if waiting for someone.

"You..." He Yuan knew that she was devoted to radio astronomy, so he simply told her: "Your mother and your Aunt Qin are good friends. She has told your mother many times that she likes you very much. Their family The meaning is very clear, I just want our two families to get closer, so I called you here to tell you that this meal is a bit like a blind date. You can take a good look at the Qin family's child. If you like it too, Of course we support you. If you don't like it, your mother and I can make it clear."

He Jia didn’t understand it at the beginning but later understood it. Her pretty face turned red instantly, feeling embarrassed and angry.

“Why did you agree to go on a blind date for me? I don’t want to get married.”

"Alas." He Yuan sighed and said, "I mean to keep you for a few more years, but your mother doesn't agree because she's afraid that it will be difficult to find girls as they get older."

He Jia was so angry that she stamped her feet: "Then don't look for her! Who said that women must get married and I can't have other pursuits?"

"Of course you can have other pursuits." He Yuan only has an only daughter, and of course he hopes that she will inherit his career in the field of radio astronomy. But on the one hand, his wife's words also made him hesitant. He looked at He Jia and said seriously: "I'm not forcing you. You have to be with someone. If you feel uncomfortable, just have dinner together tonight, not a blind date. Also, haven't you seen him? I also think he looks good, and now he is focusing on taking over. Home company…”

He Jia covered her face to dissipate the heat and stopped him: "I don't like it, I don't like it! I don't want to get married, at least not now!"

He Yuan raised his hands and admitted defeat: "Okay, okay, I was wrong. Sister-in-law, please stop yelling. Be careful if others hear it, it will have a bad impact on you."

"Huh~" He Jia exhaled, calmed down, looked at him and said, "Dad, I just want to take a further step in my professional field. You go back and talk to my mother. Okay?"

Seeing the serious expression on her fair and almond-shaped face, He Yuan felt soft-hearted and agreed: "Okay, I will have a good talk with your mother when I get back. But Yao'er, you still have to eat the meal tonight, no matter what we do What’s your plan? You need to be polite, do you understand?”

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