Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:09 PM

Chapter 5384: Actually, there are two guests having dinner with us tonight.

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Chapter 5384 Actually, there are two guests having dinner together tonight

He Jia nodded: "I know."

She has received a good education since she was a child. Her family is full of high-level intellectuals, and respect and politeness have long been engraved in her bones.

 Otherwise, when Guan Yan pointed out that her blind application of equations was wrong, He Jia would not have accepted the criticism so quickly and went after Guan Yan.

"I'm going to wait for Sister Guan Yan at the door." He Jiayu said to her father and ran away immediately, as if if she ran slower, she would be caught and sold.

He Yuan looked at it and shook his head for a while, becoming more and more determined to explain it to his wife.

His daughter is still a child and has no clue. Blind date... is still too early!

Guan Yan seems to be someone who is not easy to mess with, but he is very tolerant towards her. On the way, you can hear Guan Yan patiently answering her questions one by one.

 “Tsk.” Guan Yan pinched her face. It felt smooth and tender, and he retracted his hand with a smile: “She likes to hit the spot, and it will probably take about ten minutes to get there. Leave her alone, let’s go in first.”

Guan Yan didn't know what he was playing, so he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. When he was about to go in, he met He Jia who had been waiting at the door for a while.

 And He Jia... doesn't seem to be the kind of woman the Qin family wants who would give up her pursuit for her partner.

Like what Qiao Nian said, people like Guan Yan are not flowers in the greenhouse.

 Xifutang has a parking boy who is responsible for helping guests park their cars. He handed the car keys to the other person and politely thanked him: "Sorry for bothering you."

Bo Jingxing's car parked in front of the hotel at 6:45.

 The three of them walked all the way to the door.

Guan Yan: "...actually no need." He Jia smiled without any thought: "I know, I am happy to wait for you here."

The parking boy was so shocked that he froze on the spot for a long time and exclaimed: " job, I, I should do it."

Guan Yan was so enthusiastic that her cochlea hurt. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, and looked like he had nothing to do with her: "Why are you here?"


He Jia ran towards them and went straight to Guan Yan: "Sister Guan Yan."

"Yeah." When Bao Jingxing put the car keys in his hand, he still nodded politely to show respect, and then walked aside and opened the door.

Bo Jingxing walked casually behind the two of them. Listening to their conversation without any grudges, he suddenly felt that friends and family members were too shallow-minded.

“Miss, please get out of the car.”

Guan Yan lost his temper after being told by her. He was still thinking about how to continue talking to her when he saw He Jiadong looking around.

He looked away again and said to her with a somewhat regretful expression: "Isn't Miss Qiao here yet?"

He Jia replied without hesitation: "I'm waiting for you here. I'm afraid you won't find the box, so I'm waiting for you to come here."

She chased Guan Yan and asked about the functions of several professional software used by Qiao Nian to invade Starlink today, as well as C language, etc.

He Jia was full of regret: "Oh, I also want to ask her a few questions about programming."


He Yuan made an appointment to have dinner at seven o'clock.

Guan Yan estimated that she also wanted to ask this, so she hoped that Sun would come over quickly. As she walked forward, she said, "You can also ask me."

He Jia's eyes suddenly lit up and he followed: "Is it okay? OK, I want to ask..."

He Jia asked clearly the questions she wanted to ask the most. Then she seemed to remember something, stopped at the door and said to Guan Yan, "By the way, Sister Guan Yan."


He Jia: "In addition to the people from the expert team, there are two friends of my father who want to have dinner with us today. Do you mind?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!