Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:05 PM

Chapter 5387: Slap in the face, convenient and don’t care!

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Chapter 5387: Slap in the face, convenient and don’t care!

 “That’s not what I meant, I meant…”

He Jiaxi moved her lips and felt that she needed to explain that she had no intention of going on a blind date with Qin Si, nor did she have any intention in that regard.

Mrs. Qin reacted at this moment and suddenly said hello: "Jiajia, sit over here."

Qin Si suddenly looked at his mother, his eyes full of disbelief.

Mrs. Qin pretended not to notice the scorching gaze, greeted He Jia with a smile, and glanced at Guan Yan next to her.

 Like a demonstration.

Looking at the inkstone, I just find it ridiculous.

 She has not responded yet.

The chair next to him was pulled open. Bao Jingxing took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair. He said to her affectionately as if there was no one around, "Sit next to me?"

Qin Si raised his cheeks and cast his cannibal eyes on his friend. What did Bo Jingxing mean...

Guan Yan was also puzzled and wanted to ask him what he meant?

However, Bo Jingxing was not affected by anyone. He smiled with a smile on his lips. He took off his plain glasses and held them in his hands. His face was upright and his fox eyes were particularly charming.

She didn’t leave, she just didn’t want a nice dinner to be turned into a ridiculous eight o’clock soap opera.

If she hadn't promised sun to come to this meal and respected the old experts in country z, she would have turned around and left the moment she met her ex-boyfriend and his mother.

The elegant and elegant young master smiled at her and said in a low voice: "Is it inconvenient or... do you still care?"

Bo Jingxing was willing to help her block the gun. Of course, she was very happy, and she also wanted to see how many moths can her ex -boyfriend get it.

Guan Yan immediately sat down expressionlessly: "Thank you." She didn't even say that! Convenient and don't care.

"Heh." Bo Jingxing chuckled, pulled out the chair next to her and sat down next to her, carefully pouring a cup of tea for Guan Yan.

“It’s cold outside, so wear something thin and drink some hot water to warm your stomach.”

Guanyan: "..." She could feel the exaggerated gaze on her, and she silently took the water glass he handed over and held it in her hand.


“Hmm.” He chuckled again, as if whispering in his ear: “You seem to like saying these two words especially tonight.”


Ignoring everyone's surprised looks, Bo Jingxing held up the side of his face with one hand, and with a jade-like face, he smiled softly at her and said, "You're welcome!"

The conversation was interrupted by a harsh sound of a chair being pulled.


Qin Si stood up under the gaze of everyone, looked at the man not far away with a livid face, and said, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom."

Mrs. Qin wanted to say something else, but she didn't stop the extremely angry person. She watched Qin Si slam the door and leave the box.

She smiled awkwardly and said: "His... dad is not in good health recently. He is worried about his father, so... I'm sorry."

He Yuan is not blind. He has already seen some clues. He said with a lukewarm attitude: "Ah, that's it. Jiajia, come sit next to me."

He Jia simply agreed and went to sit next to He Yuan.

Mrs. Qin looked away in embarrassment, knowing that today's blind date might be half cold. She focused on the woman who lowered her head to drink water.

Suddenly he said to Bo Jingxing: "I met your mother some time ago, and your mother was still saying that your life-long event has not been settled. What kind of person do you like? Auntie will introduce you to someone suitable, and I will find a good match for you. girl."

Guan Yan raised his eyebrows... Why is there something in his words?

Bo Jingxing put down the teacup in his hand, his fox eyes dark and dark: "I don't need to worry about my aunt anymore. My marriage is my own decision, and my parents will not interfere."

Mrs. Qin was astonished and somewhat confused. She didn't understand how Bao Jingxing, always smart, could not understand what she meant and was so disrespectful to herself.

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