Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:42 PM

Chapter 5389: Qin Si cried

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Chapter 5389 Qin Si cried

After reading the message from her, the faint light in Qin Si's eyes extinguished, and the refreshing red at the end of his eyes became even redder.

He would rather Guan Yan scold him than her being so clear-headed, calm and rational in bringing their relationship to a conclusion for more than a year.

Just when Qin Si fell into the swamp of pain, Ye Wangchuan and the others arrived late and happened to encounter someone who was standing at the door but had not entered.

"What are you..." Ye Wangchuan paused slightly, looked at the painful man in front of him, and raised his eyes slightly: "Crying?"

Qiao Nian originally planned to go in directly past him, but when he heard this, he stopped, turned back, and walked to Qin Si.

 Qin Si covered his face with his hands, not wanting her to see his embarrassment, and his voice was choked: "Sister Qiao, do you hate me too?"

 Qiao Nian's temples felt a sharp sting as if being pricked by a needle. His clear and dark eyes reflected his crying appearance, extinguishing the flame of dissatisfaction with him in her heart.

The girl’s voice is indifferent.

 “Crying won’t solve any problem.”

"I know."

Qin Si tried his best to wipe away the tears that were rolling down, but they fell down unsatisfactorily, as if this was the only way to vent the sharp and piercing pain in his heart.

The veins in his neck bulged with force, and he lowered his head in a embarrassed and dejected manner, and whispered: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"..." Even if Qiao Nian was extremely disappointed with his handling of this matter, seeing him in such a decadent state with her own eyes, she couldn't say anything reproachful.

"It doesn't matter whether we are disappointed or not. What is important is that you disappointed Guan Yan." Ye Wangchuan's simple clothes could not hide his unique charm. He is like the lone pine on the top of the mountain, standing alone, eye-catching and able to guide people's direction.

Qin Si raised his head, with red eyes around his wet eyes: "...I know."

"Alas." Ye Wangchuan sighed and frowned: "You don't know. If you knew, you wouldn't be so useless. Can crying solve the problem? Or do you want to solve your parents or her by crying?"

"I didn't..." He didn't cry in front of Guan Yan. He was already embarrassed and embarrassed enough, and he never thought of showing up in front of her. "Qin Si, you are a man." Ye Wangchuan interrupted him.

 Qin Si raised his eyes, his painful eyes seemed to be looking for the answer to salvation.

Ye Wangchuan was very calm: "If I were you, I would leave here and come back to her after I am able to solve the mess at home."

"But she..." Qin Si didn't dare. This is where his pain lies... He didn't dare to bet that Guan Yan was willing to wait for him...

Ye Wangchuan's sharp and indifferent pupils saw through his hesitation and entanglement: "She has the right to be pursued, and you also have the right to pursue her."

"If you are obsessed with one result, forget it. You are indeed not suitable. If you think clearly about what I said, go back first."

 Qin Si stood there as if he had been abandoned by the whole world. He understood what Ye Wangchuan meant, which was to let him break up first and wait until the family matters were resolved.

But I broke up with Guan Yan...

Just thinking about Qin Si's pain spread to him and overwhelmed him...

 He ​​looked like he had been standing for a century, but in fact it was only a few minutes. The petrified man started to move mechanically.

 “I understand, Mr. Wang.”

Ye Wangchuan reached out and patted him on the shoulder without saying anything else.

Qin Si reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile that was uglier than crying, and then turned to look at the girl aside, feeling guilty and uneasy.

 “I’m sorry, Sister Qiao.”

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