Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:41 PM

Chapter 5390: Sister Nian is looking for a place online!

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Chapter 5390 Sister Nian is looking for a place online!

 Qiao Nian's lips twitched and she said "hmm" for a while. She seemed to have figured out the joints inside, and the indifference towards him disappeared a lot.

 “It has nothing to do with you.”

 In fact, Qin Si did nothing wrong.

Qin Si just couldn't control his parents.

 But since ancient times, it has been difficult for children to disobey their parents. Especially under the cultural influence of country Z for thousands of years, people seem to be accustomed to this way of getting along.

 Parents are overbearing in making decisions about their children’s lives, and they can ignore their children’s emotions just for the sake of good for someone.

 Qin Si is also a victim.

 Qiao Nian's eyes turned cold, and she pinched her fingertips under her sleeves. The cool touch between her fingertips seemed to slow down her mania.

 “Let’s go back first.”


 Qin Si left first.

Mrs. Qin was upset when she received the message from Qin Si that she was leaving first. She wanted to go out and make a phone call, but felt it was inappropriate.

 The door of the box, which had been silent until now, opened.

at this time.

Tashi Shi followed the girl. Although he didn't say a word, his attitude was that no matter how she caused trouble today, he would cover it all!

 Everyone in the box was still trying to maintain a decent and awkward chat.

This time it was not Guan Yan and the others, but Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan who came just to check the spot.

  Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan just walked to the box they had booked in Heyuan.

 Ye Wangchuan could feel the untouchable edge in her body on the way, and silently lit three candles for Mrs. Qin, without any intention of holding the girl back.

When He Yuan saw them coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to greet them: "Master Ye."

He first said hello to Ye Wangchuan, then nodded politely to the girl and said, "Miss Qiao, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Qiao Nian took a big step and sat there. It was not easy to mess with: "Well, there was a traffic jam on the road, so I came late." She picked up the water glass and took a sip: "I'll punish myself with one drink."

 The atmosphere in the box became much more harmonious.

An old expert laughed and said: "Haha, today's young people are as powerful as liquor when they drink water, haha, good!"

 Qiao Nian drank a glass of water and looked straight at Mrs. Qin with raised eyebrows. She didn't mean to provoke her, but she said it in a very rude tone.

“I remember that Lavida Technology was engaged in information engineering?”

Mrs. Qin sensed that she had come with bad intentions, and raised her broken hair from her ears, barely raising her lips: "Yes. Is Nian Nian interested in information engineering?"

 Qiao Nian saved Qin Si and had a good relationship with Qin Si. He had a lot of contact with Mrs. Qin. Qin Lang and Mrs. Qin had even invited her to dinner together before.

 Although everyone broke up on bad terms last time.

 But Mrs. Qin always called Qiao Nian by her nickname.

The girl put the tea cup in her hand on the table and made a crisp knock: "Oh, I'm not interested. But I remember that my friend has several related companies."

She tilted her head and stared in the direction of the inkstone, and said casually: "Have you invested in Liger and Ludian Optical Fiber before?"

Guan Yan's eyes roamed around Mrs. Qin's face, and she realized that Sun wanted to stand up for her, and she felt moved and uncomfortable at the same time.


Qiao Nian put his hands on his chin, and looked at Mrs. Qin's elegant and unruly hair falling on her proud face with a pair of dark and deep eyes.

“Tsk, what a coincidence. I remember that these two companies have cooperation with Lavida Technology?”

"Yes, really?" Mrs. Qin's face turned green and white, and the bench under her **** felt like needles were pricking her. She was restless and wanted to leave.

She forced a smile and said, "I don't understand this. I'm mainly responsible for the entertainment industry."

"Ang." The girl obviously didn't intend to let her go. She turned her head and spoke to Guan Yan: "I remember that you also invested money in Universal and Sony. Are you considered one of the shareholders now?"

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