Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:39 PM

Chapter 5391: Sister Nian is about to slap people’s faces to pieces.

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Chapter 5391 Sister Nian is about to slap someone’s face to pieces

 Guan Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Forget it." She rarely saw Sun being so rude to his elders. It was for her, and just thinking about it made her heart burn.

Qiao Nian turned around and spoke to Mrs. Qin as if nothing was wrong: "By the way, which company in the entertainment industry are you talking about? Maybe there is cooperation."

"...We should not be able to cooperate." Mrs. Qin couldn't tell that Qiao Nian was standing up for her friend. She smiled awkwardly and said, "I knew Miss Guan Yan was excellent, but I didn't expect her to be so outstanding."

Logically speaking, if this is what she said, Qiao Nian should let her go.

Unexpectedly, the girl did not play her cards according to the routine. She changed her hand with interest and supported her chin with one hand. Her dark eyes were clear: "Ang? Do you know she is excellent? How is she excellent? Please explain in detail."

 Mrs. Qin: “…”

 People present: “…”

Mrs. Qin's expression at this moment could no longer be described as embarrassed or reluctant. She was simply extremely embarrassed. She was restless and just wanted to leave here right away.

 “Miss very economical and excellent.”

The girl raised her peaked cap, sat up straight and leaned back. She looked very irritating and said, "Really? She is not just financially well off."

Mrs. Qin mumbled: "Uh..." She was now afraid of the girl in front of her.

Qiao Nian lived up to the trickle of sweat on her forehead and took it casually and coldly: "She is also a top black card, an expert in the field of radio astronomy, and the sister of David from F state... Oh, by the way, you should come over for dinner today. Did you hear that?”

Guan Yan was standing by and wanted to say who was David's sister... As she was about to speak, she saw Mrs. Qin's embarrassed expression and acquiesced.     Sister is just sister.

It doesn't matter if sun says she is the grandson of that guy Daji! Who let the sun fight against injustice in her? She raised the corners of her mouth, and her peach blossom eyes were soft and soft.

Bo Jingxing, who was next to him, held the teacup in his slender hand and lowered his head to take another sip of herbal tea, curling up his thin lips along with her.

Mrs. Qin was not in the same cheerful mood as them. She was sitting on pins and needles at the moment: "What?" She didn't want to answer, but with so many pairs of eyes looking at her, she couldn't pretend not to hear if she wanted to save face.

"Tsk." The girl tutted softly in the air, like a slap on her face. It was crisp and loud, making her eardrums buzz: "I heard that Guanyan has a star chain. Could the problem with the Heavenly Eye this time be? The smooth solution was all due to her willingness to temporarily lend us a satellite..."

Guan Yan owns the star chain... He borrowed a satellite... Mrs. Qin's breathing became rapid and heavy, and her chest felt like it was being pressed by a huge stone, and she couldn't breathe.

Her firmly believed knowledge collapsed at that moment, and all her pride and self-righteousness disappeared into nothing. She felt like the world was spinning, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably. Her carefully maintained grace and dignity seemed to be ground to pieces.

Qiao Nian kills people and punishes his heart: "You don't know, do you?"

 Mrs. Qin opened her mouth to look at her, but no sound came out.

 What does she know?

Does she know that Guan Yan owns Starlink or that she can lend it to national satellites? Or is she not just rich as she knows, having invested in shares in various fields, and is also a shareholder of many large multinational companies?

 Or maybe Qiao Nian is asking her, does she know how good Guan Yan is?

Even after saying this, the girl still didn't give her face. She was heard in the box saying casually: "Guan Yan dated a boyfriend before. Her boyfriend looked down on her because of his family background. He always felt that she was someone no one wanted." A wild girl, without parents, she has no background and is not worthy of her excellent son..."

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