Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:35 PM

Chapter 5393: The possessive master

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Chapter 5393 The possessive Mr. Wang

 She took a look and saw the man standing next to the girl, muttering: "Stingy."

But he became a lot more honest. At least he didn't continue to lean on the girl. He stood up straight. He hesitated to say a few words, but knew that he couldn't offend this boss, so he had to swallow it hard. Stomach upset.

 Damn it, she’s not even a woman allowed to touch the sun? Why! He is also too possessive. It’s just that Sun didn’t realize how perverted her boyfriend was!

"Do you want to come with me?" Guan Yan encouraged him enthusiastically.

Qiao Nianxiang declined: "I can't spare the time for the time being."

 Guan Yan: “?”

She was quite annoyed: "When I was sorting out the files exported by Starlink, I found an encrypted folder. I want to go back to Beijing to find someone to study it together."

"What folder is it? It's very important?" Guan Yan vaguely felt that it was important, otherwise Qiao Nian wouldn't show an irritated expression.

Qiao Nian didn't say clearly: "Well, it should be related to something I am tracking."

Guan Yan was very smart and did not ask in detail. He nodded slightly and pretended to smile bitterly: "It seems that I can only go alone again. Oh, it's so boring! We people are the chosen ones, and we will put them wherever they need to be... Finished No one wants it anymore.”

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a faint chuckle next to her, and then the man's low-pitched and gentle voice asked her: "I happen to have something to go to F Continent. I wonder if I have the honor to go with Miss Guan Yan?"

Bo Jingxing was not impatient and added: "Because I have important official business, if nothing else happens, I will use my family's private jet."

But after all, it was an overseas flight, and her identity was always on the gray list of international organizations, so it was difficult to apply for entry in her own name.

 She also has a private jet.

 Guan Yan turned his head and saw Bao Jingxing looking at her with a smile, the hairs on his back standing on end, and he immediately replied: "It's better not to do it."

Guan Yan immediately changed his mind: "Actually, if you have to come with me, it's not impossible, haha..."

If she wants to leave your province and go to Continent F, she has to buy a ticket and catch a plane like ordinary people... Guan Yan and Qiao Nian are different.

She is a timely hedonist who can endure hardship but tries not to endure hardship. She can't find any reason to refuse the private jet service delivered to her door.

  The ‘dead’ ex-boyfriend obviously does not constitute a reason for rejection. God knows it takes more than twenty hours to fly to Continent F from here. If there is a private plane and she doesn't have to squeeze into the small first class cabin, she will be almost full.

Bo Jingxing seemed to know that she would definitely agree: "We will set off tomorrow morning at 8:30 in the morning. You pack your luggage in advance and I will call you."

Bo Jingxing cooperated with her in a cheerful mood: "You're welcome."

The two quickly reached an agreement, and Guan Yan looked at the girl: "Then you... are going back to Beijing today? Why don't you come with us early in the morning?"

 It is dark now and it has entered the middle of the night.

The heavy rain that has been falling for several days in Guizhou Province has a tendency to stop, but it is too late, so Guan Yan still prefers that they rest for a night before leaving.

Obviously Qiao Nian doesn’t think so.

 “Leave now.”

“I want to find out the contents of that encrypted folder as soon as possible.”

"All right."

Guan Yan stopped trying to persuade her and nodded.

“Be safe on the road and send me a message when you get home. I’ll find David in Continent F and let you know.”


 Qiao Nian agreed.

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