Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:35 PM

Chapter 5394: Mr. Wang, just flirt with me

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Chapter 5394: Just flirt with Mr. Wang

 Qiao Nian watched Bao Jingxing and the others leave first.

After a while, she saw Ye Wangchuan rolling down the car window in front of her: "Get in the car."

She opened the passenger door, crossed her legs and got into the car, fastened her seat belt, pressed her eyebrows, and watched the sky become smaller and the rain falling.

 “I don’t know if flights will be resumed.”

Ye Wangchuan drove with one hand and answered her: "There are still many layers of procedures that need to be approved, and it will not be resumed until around one in the morning at the earliest."

 Whether a plane can take off is not the final say of the airline. It also needs to report to air traffic control and other approvals.

 ATC needs to contact the weather station.

 Meteorological observatories also need satellites to provide climate data.

 The safety of the people is above all else.

 This is no joke.

 He jogged to the passenger side, opened the door, and tilted the umbrella over.

 So every step of approval must be in place, and all parties must agree that it can take off again before the airline will notify passengers of the flight time.

They came here at seven o'clock in the evening, and it took two hours to eat and greet each other. This means that they have to wait until one o'clock in the morning to see if there is a flight to Beijing...

Ye Wangchuan drove the car to a take-off runway next to the airport. In the night, a private plane stood quietly in the rain.

Having to wait at the airport for four hours was undoubtedly a blow to Qiao Nian, who was used to being lazy. She had a headache just thinking about it.

I probably saw their headlights coming.

 Qiao Nian took out his phone and looked at the time - 9:03.

Gu San was waiting outside with a black umbrella, until the car made an elegant arc and stopped in front of him.

 “Miss Qiao, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

 Qiao Nian did not unbuckle her seat belt in a hurry. Instead, she squinted at the man beside her, took a breath and said, "No, how did you know that I was going back to Beijing overnight?"

 Does he have the ability to read minds or is it a bug? Qiao Nian often felt that he was stuck in a bug and could understand his psychology every time, which was a foul.

 The man leaned forward and used his slender hands to help her unbuckle her seat belt. His breath sprayed on the girl's snow-white neck, and he raised his beautiful eyes.

 “It has been an honor to serve God Joe.”


Qiao Nian's heart skipped a beat because of his arousal, her dark pupils reflected his figure, and she tried to speak as expressionlessly as possible.

“You also majored in psychology in college?”

Ye Wangchuan looked at her pretending to be calm and indifferent, and somehow felt that she was very cute. He leaned towards the corner of her lips and gave her a light kiss.

Then he sat up straight as if nothing had happened, raised his thin red rose lips, and lowered his voice like a swinger.

“I studied double majors in information engineering and finance at university, and also dabbled in international law and military manufacturing...I have never studied psychology.”

“And I don’t need to learn. What other people think has nothing to do with me.”

  “…” This is quite true.

He was as relaxed as a goblin who only comes out at night. He sat closer and put his arm on the back of Qiao Nian's chair, further closing the distance between the two.

 The deep eyes seem to **** people in.

 “I just have to think about what you’re thinking.”

“Because I think about it carefully, I know what you need. It’s easy. You don’t need to study psychology.”

 Qiao Nianxin Lake seemed to have been thrown a stone, causing ripples.

at this time.

"Ahem." Gu San coughed twice, feeling aggrieved when his father's cold eyes glanced at him for a moment.

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