Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:33 PM

Chapter 5395: Sister Nian’s counterattack is accurate and ruthless

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Chapter 5395 Sister Nian’s counterattack is accurate and ruthless

"Then what...Miss Qiao, Mr. Wang, how about we get on the plane first?"

 Whew, he doesn’t want to be a light bulb either. But did Mr. Wan forget that he was still holding an umbrella outside the car? Even if he is just a light bulb, they should respect him as a light bulb! Don't act like he doesn't exist and just fall in love.

Qiao Nian came back to her senses and instantly got out of the ambiguous atmosphere. She naturally distanced herself from the two of them. She picked up the bag and mobile phone placed next to her. She turned around and said something to the man in the driver's seat with cold eyes. : “It’s better not to say anything than to say it without doing anything.”

The man looked stunned for a moment, then realized what she was talking about, and immediately raised his hand to cover his lips, hiding his momentary shyness and embarrassment.

 She was talking about the things she discussed last time that never got to the ‘final step’ every time.

Gu San gave the black umbrella to the girl. After Qiao Nian left first, he went around to the other side to help Ye Wangchuan open the car door. He couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked eagerly: "Master Wang, what are you talking about, Miss Qiao? What are you doing?" Not to mention...what did you promise Miss Qiao and did you not do? "

Ye Wangchuan pushed away his hand that was blocking the car door, glanced at him with dark eyebrows, and asked calmly: "Want to know?"

 Gu San suddenly felt the pressure doubled, and cold sweat broke out on his back. His desire to survive made him immediately shake his head: "No, I don't want to know anymore."

Ye Wangchuan looked at the back of the girl who left him without hesitation in the rain. He lowered his eyes and smiled in anger and amusement. He quickly returned to his usual appearance and followed her with his long legs.

 “Let’s go.”

The capital city is completely silent.

Ye Wangchuan's private plane landed at Ye's airport, and there was already a driver waiting at the airport to pick him up.

 It is already early in the morning.


 It takes 3 hours to fly from your province to Beijing.

  3 hours later.

 Qiao Nian got off the plane and raised her hand to turn her peaked cap, turning the brim back to reveal her delicate and bold facial features. She turned around and talked to Ye Wangchuan and Gu San behind her.

“You guys go back first, I want to find Master Cheng.”

 “So late?” Gu San was a little worried. Then I heard the man's deep voice: "I'll send you there."

 “Hmm.” The girl pondered for a moment, then nodded readily and agreed: “Ah, okay.”


An hour later, Qiao Nian arrived at Master Cheng’s laboratory outside.

Ye Wangchuan personally opened the car door for her, leaned against the door and said, "Text me a message when you're done. I'll pick you up."

 Qiao Nian wanted to say no, but her words turned into: "I don't know how long it will take to finish the work. Maybe I will stay up all night tonight."

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand and brushed her cheek, curled his fingertips and whispered: "I'll wait for you no matter how late."

 Qiao Nian was about to speak but stopped and raised her head to look at him. Her eyes were clear, as if she didn't say anything, or as if she had said everything.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her inexplicably, and for some reason he remembered what she said before getting on the plane: It would be better not to say anything without 'doing' it after saying so much.

Before he could appreciate the meaning in the girl's glance, Qiao Nian raised her hand and pulled her peaked cap to cover her beautiful eyes, and said softly, "Let's go."

 As he said that, he left his back without looking back, and walked away freely and resolutely.

Gu San accompanied Ye Wangchuan and watched the girl's back enter the laboratory until the figure behind the revolving door could no longer be seen.

He then spoke in a low voice: "Master Wang, Mr. Ye is waiting for you, let's leave quickly."

Ye Wangchuan stopped and waited for another five minutes. It wasn't until the phone vibrated against his body that he looked away and sat back in the car.

 Instruct Gu San.

 “Let’s go.”

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