Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:31 PM

Chapter 5397: new problems arise

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 Chapter 5397 A new problem arises

Qiao Nian glanced at it briefly, and then said to Feng Yu and others: "No, these are encrypted text. The first two should be longitude and latitude, but the last two are wrong."

 She said it very firmly.

He called Feng Yu, who was still studying, and asked distractedly: "How do you know it's wrong?" He didn't see any clues, and it looked fine.

Qiao Nian stood up and raised his hand to point to the first line of data projected on the screen. Does 758.23489 look like a latitude and longitude? But if you associate it with the coordinates behind it and then put it on a globe and think about it... is there an accurate location? "

Feng Yu is not like her who has a complete world map in her mind as soon as she closes her eyes, accurate to every coordinate.

He turned the globe in his office as Qiao Nian said and found that the coordinates were wrong and there was no such place at all.

Feng Yu suddenly looked defeated and said angrily: "They also use encrypted data to encrypt files, so what data is left?"

Qiao Nian tapped the curtain with her slender fingers and stood there thinking. After a moment, she said to the three of them: "Because... they don't want the people in the Starlink engineering team to know the data of the Faded Ones."

 Starlink should be a cooperative project between continent M and the island.

 The island and mainland M have joint use rights.

Since the island has chosen M State as their spokesperson, it is impossible not to give M State benefits. The benefit they give M State is to allow M State to share Starlink data.

 Mzhou is their chosen ‘spokesperson’.

To be precise, the island needs to find its own ‘spokesperson’ in the world, otherwise they will not be able to explain to the outside world the existence of the satellite star chain that surrounds the earth.

  But this does not include their trump card, the fader.

 So all information involving the ‘Faded Ones’ has been encrypted layer by layer, and even encrypted numbers are used.

This is also to prevent the leakage of the data of the faded people in the event that senior engineers or scientists from continent M want to steal Starlink data...

The island attaches so much importance to the information of the ‘faded persons’, which shows how well they protect the faded persons. It is also certain that they do not know that the information of the ‘faded persons’ has been leaked. Qiao Nian squinted her eyes and thought of Elena...

It is impossible for Elena not to know about the theft of her vault, but looking at the current situation, she must have found a way to hide the truth from the island...

 Qiao Nian began to think about how to seize this information gap and obtain the information of the faded person as quickly as possible.

 Feng Yu and Master Cheng also fell into deep thought.

 No one spoke for a while.

 Everyone is thinking about how to break the situation.

 Shi Fu became the first to break the deadlock: "Maybe we can find someone to ask."

 Qiao Nian and the other three looked at him.

 Shi Fu thought for a while and said, "Does Xiaoye know the encrypted text on the island?"

"He?" Qiao Nian was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied: "He doesn't know." Ye Wangchuan only had contact with the island when he became an adult. Judging from how insane his grandfather and biological mother were, they might be on guard against him. , it is unlikely that he would be exposed to such information.

Master Cheng picked up the pen and put it down reluctantly. He really didn't want to understand and use the data in front of him, so he thought of two people.

 “Bori and Adam…”

Bory is very trustworthy and has been by Master Cheng's side to protect his safety during this period. Similarly, Adam is also there, and is occasionally responsible for the safety of Master Cheng's family.

Qiao Nian shook his head: "They don't even know."

The island has strict hierarchies. Borui and Adam have stayed in the martial arts arena for a long time. They have not yet left the island's control and are not trusted.

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