Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:26 PM

Chapter 5400: Sister Nian called

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"I'm going to help my aunt get something. You guys can chat slowly." The green-haired girl seemed too lazy to talk to her and went upstairs to get something.

 Elena was knocked sideways by her, and she stood at the foot of the stairs in despair. Her pale face was like tissue paper that was about to break at any time. She relied on one hand to support herself on the railing to keep herself steady.

Mrs. Hill was angry and heartbroken as she looked down below, so she wanted to go upstairs: "Lina, are you okay? Mom sees that your face looks ugly, so just ignore her."

Elena reluctantly shook her head and stopped her from coming up: "I'm fine. Mom, I'm going back to the room."

 “You come out and have something to eat.” Mrs. Hill said hurriedly.

Elena had already walked back, and her feeble voice floated in the air: "I'm not hungry, you can eat. I want to take a rest."

Mrs. Hill had just walked halfway when she heard a "click" and the sound of the door closing.

She looked at the empty corridor, and then thought of her baby daughter's pale and fragile expression, as if someone was stabbing her heart with a knife.

 She looked angrily in the direction the green-haired girl left, feeling sulky in her heart.

 …It’s all her fault for running back so well that her sister is so irritated that she even refuses to eat. She really did something wrong and gave birth to a daughter like this!


Elena’s bedroom is a three-room suite.

 There is also a European-style living room in the middle.

 The spacious living room has all the closets, sofas, and everything you need. It is similar to the presidential suite outside. There are not many rooms like this in the ancestral house of the Irene family.

And the patriarchal castle inherited by her aunt Eileenvor was even more astonishing than the ancestral home where their family currently lives.

 With such wealth and status in front of her, how could she not fight for it?

From the moment she returned to her room, Elena kept thinking of Eleanor's words, 'A phoenix that lands will look like it has landed on the ground. Look who cares about you now'...

Her face suddenly twisted and she leaned over and swept everything on the table to the floor. The exquisite carpet was smashed into colorful pieces and fell to the floor. "Huh~" The young woman gasped for air, her eyes bulged out, and she stared fiercely at the air, as if this was the only way to vent her inner dissatisfaction and anguish.

—‘My good sister, you should get used to your current status as soon as possible and stop acting like a goddess. Look at your suitors, how many of them still answer your questions? Even Shadow Ten ignored you, but you still felt like you were the same as before. ’

Elena gripped the corner of the table tightly, the sharp wood hurting her palms.

 She heard that Dowell, Brown and others held a party a few days ago, and called the second-generation people from most of the island.

  Mu Di also went.

 But Dowell and Brown did not call her.

Moreover, Shadow Ten was also there, and he never even mentioned to himself that there was such a party.

She knew this was just a party, but this was the first time that the second generation of the island gathered together without her.

 This also means that she is beginning to be marginalized.

This is why Elena can't stand it!

If Moody hadn't asked her when she would arrive...she wouldn't even know there was such a party!

Elena was still gritting her teeth to resist the waves of dizziness in her head, when her cell phone rang.

"Jingle Bell…"

 She didn't want to answer the phone at first.

 The person on the other end of the phone was very patient and waited for her until she suppressed the emotion of being driven mad by Eleanor, walked over, picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID that she had not seen before, and then put it to her ear to pick it up. (End of chapter)

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