Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:24 PM

Chapter 5401: Because I'm threatening you

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There was a voice on the other end that she would never forget.

 “I’m asking you to do me a favor.”

Elena's pupils narrowed into sharp points, and she pressed her cheek and shouted the name: "Qiao Nian, do you still dare to call me!?"

 The **** the other end of the phone sneered: "Why don't I dare to call you? Is there a virus on your phone that can crawl through the network cable?"

Elena's breath tightened due to her sarcasm, and then she thought of something and sneered: "You want me to help? Ha, why should I help you."

Qiao Nian replied nonchalantly: "Because you have to help me!"

Before the sneer on Elena's face fell, she heard her mention it lightly: "Don't forget the information about the faded ones I got from you. You haven't dared to tell the people on the island yet! What if? I told them that you not only hid the secrets of the Erin family, but also collected the secrets of the Theron family and several major member families in the Sixth Continent, including the information on the Faded Ones. Guess what they will do to you. …”

Elina was panicked: "Qiao Nian, how dare you!"

"Why don't I dare? Even if they want to kill people and silence them, they will look for you first, and then it will be my turn. What should I be afraid of?" The girl pointed out their situation to the point.

Elena's warnings and threats instantly lost their effect: "You are crazy... crazy... Do you know that once it is revealed that you know the secret of the Faded One, even he can't protect you. Humph, you will definitely die! Him? He If he is willing to obey Shi Lao's arrangement, he may still be alive. Otherwise, he will be implicated to death by you... Everyone who knows this secret will die!"

Qiao Nian still said the same thing: "So you will die too."

 “What do you want?” If Elena’s face was ugly enough before, it was much uglier than ever now.

She is not afraid of temporarily losing her position as the heir of the family, nor is she afraid of losing her aunt's favor and status on the island... As long as she is alive, there is still room for change. But if Qiao Nian is crazy enough to reveal that she secretly collected information about faded people and lost and leaked the information, she will really die.

Elena has to keep this secret no matter what.

This is the reason why she didn't dare to fight back against the girl despite being hurt so badly during this period. She was not sure whether Qiao Nian had obtained the faded person's information and whether she could understand the information.

 Now she knows the answer.

Qiao Nian not only got the information, but also understood the key information!

 She's even studying the Faded!

"We are enemies. I can't help you. If you want me to be your spy and lurking in the Sixth Continent, then you should expose the secret. At worst, we will die together, and I will not agree to be your puppet. !" She quickly analyzed the pros and cons, and first told Qiao Nian where her bottom line was.

“Tsk.” The girl sneered as if she could see her in person through the phone line. She interrupted her rich inner thoughts and said: “You only need to do one thing for me, and we will move on.”

Elena was alert: "What is it?" She was sure it would not be a simple matter.

The girl paused for a few seconds, and every second was like a knife hanging in her heart grinding away at her flesh. Elena couldn't help but speed up her heartbeat, and her spirit was extremely tense.

 “Are you going to say it or not?” She was the first to lose her composure.

 The **** the other end of the phone said casually: "What's the rush? I want your help."

Elena's eyebrows darkened: "I won't take risks for you, otherwise we will die together." (End of this chapter)

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