Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:23 PM

Chapter 5402: Sister Nian successfully obtained the key to the faded person

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The girl interrupted her: "Do you have encrypted text in the data you are transmitting? I want you to write me a corresponding analysis of the encrypted text."

"…What do you want this for?" Elena was very wary, and an idea came to her mind, but it had not yet been formed.

I heard the girl's cold and threatening voice: "I advise you to put away your little thoughts. If you give me a fake one, I won't trouble you. Just do as you said. When I find out that it is fake, I I will tell you that I learned the secret of the Faded One from you.”

 “What do you think the ten elders will do to you?” This is the threat!

Elena's idea, which had just come up but had not yet been formed, was so shattered that she did not dare to think about it again, and asked in a low voice: "What do you want this for?"

 “I won’t tell you.” Qiao Nian was straightforward enough.

Elena choked, but she didn't dare to say threatening words like 'If you don't tell me, I won't give it to you.' She stayed silent for a long time and said: "Give me your email address and I will send it to you. But after I send it, , you must delete the record."

"Well, don't worry, I won't betray you because I said I won't betray you." The girl said lightly, which was a disguised promise of agreeing to her request.

Elena felt relieved a little, and then added alertly: "...As long as I finish this for you, you can no longer threaten me with Faded Ones."

Qiao Nian was very calm: "Yes, as long as you write a secret translation for me, I will never mention the treasury again. Even if someone knows that I have faded information in my hands in the future, I will not say that it came from you. owned…"

Elena’s heart skipped a beat.

I heard the girl say indifferently: "But the condition is that the person who leaked the news is not you. Otherwise..."

Elena seemed to be poked into the center of things: "Don't worry! I won't tell!!"

 She heard the **** the other end sneer again: "...that's good."

 Elena took a deep breath to calm her breathing, and hung up the phone with a pale face. After a while, her phone received a text message from Qiao Nian.

 The text message contains an overseas email account. She carefully checked the email address first and determined that it was an anonymous account on the dark web, an email address registered without any identity information.

 She felt relieved and unlocked the cipher text she knew and sent it.

After confirming that the email was sent successfully, she immediately deleted the traces, and carefully cleaned it down to the small tail to ensure that no matter what happened in the future, she would not be traced to her. Elena felt a little relieved, closed the computer, and thought that she was still there. The sister in the family who stepped on her to get the upper hand.

 Elena picked up her phone and looked up Moody, who had not responded to messages for several days. Their messages were still from five days ago.

 After Moody told her about the party, she asked him who his female companion was.

Moody hesitantly told her that he was going with Eleanor.

 She did not reply again.

Moody sent her a lot of messages later, probably explaining why he went to the party with Eleanor, why he asked Eleanor to be his companion, and how he expressed his love for her.

 Elena originally thought about keeping him dry for a few more days, but now she can't wait to use this person and use this person to return to the social scene of the Sixth Continent.

 She sent a message to Moody.

  [Let's meet. ]

It didn’t take long for the other side to come back.

[What time? Where are you? You are finally willing to reply to my message. ]

[Now. ]

Elena ignored the last two questions, sent him a location, and told him.

  [In half an hour, I will be waiting for you here. ]

She sent a message to a coffee shop in Hong Kong City that she often went to. Moody also knew the location and quickly replied to her message saying that he would go there immediately.

Elena got up and went back to the room to change clothes and put on makeup. (End of chapter)

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