Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:21 PM

Chapter 5404: Too arrogant!

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 Chapter 5404 is too arrogant!

Ye Maoshan raised his hand and motioned for him to sit down: "Why are you so excited?"

Liang Conglin's face changed. He slowly sat down and became even more restless: "Mr. Ye, what do they want to do?"

 “I don’t know.” Ye Maoshan said simply.

Liang Conglin's expression became increasingly ugly and he could not sit still: "No...why did they suddenly target us? It's Tianyan and Zhou Xuxing, what do they want to do?"

"It's not sudden..." Ye Maoshan is much calmer than him, and he looks like someone who has experienced great storms: "The country has developed rapidly in recent years, especially in several high-tech industries, which have exceeded expectations. In this case, we are bound to It's normal for people to want to teach us a lesson by touching other people's cakes. So no matter what the reason is that induces them to do this, the main reason is this... We are developing too well, and we are in the way of others. "

Liang Conglin fell silent, and after a while he said in a low voice: "In the past two years, I have also found that it has become much more difficult for us to send international students overseas."

 “Yeah.” Ye Maoshan responded lightly.

Liang Conglin frowned and looked at him again: "But nothing can happen to Zhou Xuxing! He is the future scientific research successor that we and several old deans are looking for. If something happens to him, our talents will be cut off."

“Mr. Ye, do you have any way to fish the person out?” Liang Conglin asked crisply.

 “Young Master Ye…” Liang Conglin’s eyes lit up.

Ye Maoshan shook his head: "How can an old man like me, who can't even speak English, have any overseas connections? If you want to lure someone away, you have found the wrong person. That boy of mine should have a way..."

"He is coming to see me later. You might as well stay and wait. By the way, you haven't eaten yet?" Ye Maoshan left him to have breakfast and was about to ask the housekeeper to prepare the meal.

Liang Conglin didn't care about eating and immediately went to greet him: "Young Master Ye."

 Then the person they had been talking about all morning arrived.

"Principal Liang." Ye Wangchuan was wearing a shirt today. The collar was a little high, which highlighted his angular face and the bulging Adam's apple on his neck.

The whole person looks both ascetic and noble.

Liang Conglin responded repeatedly, before he had time to tell him about Zhou Xuxing. Then he saw a man with long legs passing him, walking straight towards the energetic old man, with an unusually serious expression, and spoke to the old man.

 “Li Zhou is dead.”


Ye Maoshan’s eyes were dull, he immediately lowered his eyes and lowered his voice.

"what happened!"

Ye Wangchuan's eyes narrowed slightly as he said: "What happened this morning was that he had a car accident on his way to work. The police checked and said that an accident occurred during normal driving and resulted in death in the car accident. The person has been sent to the funeral parlor and is waiting for the forensic examination. Anatomical examination."

Ye Maoshan could not control the anger rising in his eyes. He hit the table with his left hand and said sternly: "Absurd!"

“Not to mention his many years of driving experience, it was so early in the morning and there weren’t many cars on the road. How could he get into a car accident with such serious consequences?”

"So I also suspect that someone has tampered with it." Ye Wangchuan said for him.

Ye Maoshan looked at him with a calm expression. He stared at him for a few seconds. His chest rose and fell twice and then calmed down again, but his expression was still ugly.

“Li Zhou is the successor trained by your uncle. His ‘sudden’ accident will probably have a series of consequences.”

 Li Zhou is the same as Zhou Xuxing.

 Both of them were probably in their early thirties.

 They are key talents cultivated in China.

 It's just that the two are not in the same system.

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