Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:20 PM

Chapter 5405: The two sides are at loggerheads.

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Chapter 5405 The two sides are at odds

Zhou Xuhang is a scientific research talent, and Li Zhou is a national defense talent. Both of them are important and belong to the backbone of the future.

The two people suddenly got into trouble, one was arrested and the other died in a car accident, which was definitely not within Ye Maoshan's acceptance range.

If Liang Conglin came to him early in the morning and told him that Zhou Xuxing had been taken away by the FBI, he would not be in a hurry.

At that moment, something happened to Li Zhou and he stepped on his minefield.

He can accept Zhou Xuxing's investigation because they have a clear conscience. If they investigate, they will investigate, and sooner or later they will be released.

That Li Zhou died suddenly at a young age and was no longer within the scope of provocation. The other party openly stepped on their heads and did whatever they wanted.

 “Do you have any suspicion?” Ye Maoshan asked bluntly.

Ye Wangchuan met his eyes and said softly: "The Sixth Continent."

“…” Ye Maoshan took a breath, not surprised, but filled with coldness and anger. He also doubted the Sixth Continent.

He took the initiative and said: "It should be my fault. I have had a lot of conflicts with them recently. They..."

Ye Maoshan waved his hand to stop him from talking, turned around and put his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "I just discussed it with Principal Liang. This matter has nothing to do with you. You can only count it as an inducement. Even without you, something like this would happen sooner or later. It’s just a matter of time.”

“I didn’t think it through properly and didn’t strengthen the protection of key talents. Next, I will ask people to pay more attention to prevent similar things from happening.”

Ye Maoshan said exactly what he said in a solemn tone, then turned around and looked at the two of them, his eyes mainly falling on the young man.

"The investigation into Li Zhou's matter will definitely not yield results for a while, but Zhou Xuxing needs you to think of a solution!" Liang Conglin took the opportunity to tell him what happened to Xuxing next week.

Ye Wangchuan frowned slightly, twirled his fingertips, and then touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, anger flashed in his eyes: "I know."

Liang Conglin raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He couldn't say more: "Zhou Xuxing is very important. We need him to come back safely, and we can't let anything go wrong again."

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan's eyes were filled with cold light, dangerous and depressing.

Ye Maoshan understood his grandson, raised his hand to interrupt the conversation between the two, and said to Liang Conglin: "You go over and wait for me first, and I will have a few words with him alone."

"Okay." Liang Conglin was a smart man. He said hello to Ye Wangchuan and left with the old housekeeper, leaving space for the two of them to talk alone.

It was only after Ye Maoshan and others left that the condensation factor floating in the air was broken, and he cursed angrily: "You brat, are you angry again?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes to look at him. There was no emotion in his dark eyes, and he denied it: "No."

"Hmph." Ye Maoshan snorted from his nose, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and poked his shoulder: "You can deceive others, but they can't deceive me. I can tell by your reaction that you are angry again."

Ye Wangchuan said nothing.

 He sighed first: "Hey!"

Ye Maoshan stopped talking and looked at his grandson. He didn't know where to start to comfort him. He just squeezed out: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I said, even without you, we will have conflicts with them sooner or later." . There is no room for two tigers in one mountain... We have touched other people's interests, and they will not let us get the cake easily. It has nothing to do with you. Even without you, they will not let us develop. It's just your grandpa and your mother..."

Ye Wangchuan interrupted him: "Old man, there is no need to mention them."

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