Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:20 PM

Chapter 5406: Sister Nian is here too

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Chapter 5406 Sister Nian is also here

“…Hey!” Ye Maoshan looked at him and let out a long sigh. His eyes had countless things to say, and he swallowed them all when he touched Ye Wangchuan’s brows that resisted indifference.


 Qiao Nian heard the car news on the way here. The news flash talked about Li Zhou's death in a car accident in the morning.

She found Ye Maoshan as soon as she arrived at the old house. Not surprisingly, she saw Ye Wangchuan here, and she also accidentally saw Liang Conglin.

"Miss Qiao, please take a seat." The old housekeeper led her to pull out the chair and waited respectfully for the girls to take their seats.

The girl did not sit down immediately. Instead, she raised her eyes and said hello to Liang Conglin: "Hello, principal."

“Eh, eh, eh, eh!” Liang Conglin knew who she was and why he dared to be so polite to her, so he quickly stood up and responded, showing that he was very considerate.

Qiao Nianqin's dark eyes turned, then fell on Ye Maoshan and shouted: "Grandpa Ye."

Ye Maoshan invited her with a soothing brow: "Come to see Wang Chuan? You're already here. Let's sit down and have breakfast."

Qiao Nian just sat down.

Ye Wangchuan handed over the tableware, poured her another cup of morning tea, and placed Qiao Nian's favorite crystal shrimp dumplings in a place where she could easily hold them.

 Not a word was said during this period, and it seemed that everything was left unsaid.

There is a faint tacit understanding between the two of them, and it is difficult for a third party to intervene.

Ye Maoshan watched them sitting together. After worrying all morning, he finally saw something pleasant and felt much better.

"Why are Niannian here? Do you have anything to do with him?" The temperature at Ye Maoshan Pass was much milder. It was different from talking to Liang Conglin and Ye Wangchuan. It was as warm as the breeze blowing in spring. "I heard in the news that one of our top scientists was detained by the FBI?" Qiao Nian asked directly.

Ye Maoshan looked into her eyes and couldn't tell a hidden lie. He could only say matter-of-factly: "...That's what happened. What happened this morning spread so quickly?"

 Qiao Nian did not answer directly, his eyes were burning with hidden fire: "In addition to this, we also lost a national defense science and technology talent this morning?"

Ye Maoshan looked unnatural: "Ahem, because of the car accident..."

The girl interrupted him: "Master, do you believe it?"

 Ye Maoshan looked towards her.

Qiao Nian picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then met his eyes again; "Car accident. Do you believe it?"

Ye Maoshan didn’t know how to answer for a moment, so he said that he was a liar. He said he didn't believe it... He didn't want to involve Qiao Nian.

The girl saw the troubled expression on his face, so she simply said more clearly: "I plan to take a team of lawyers to country m."

"Nian Nian..." Ye Maoshan hesitated: "You are just helping to solve the problems in your province, and you are doing it for..."

Qiao Nian looked at him directly: "I am from country Z, and the blood of this country flows in my body. I grew up here, learned the history and culture here, drank the mountains and rivers here, and ate the rice grown here. . I stand on this land of 9.6 million square kilometers and have seen the vast mountains and rivers of this land. Protecting this land is the most basic belief of every Z country person. I am not special. I can do more if I can. I just do what I have to do and don’t think I’m helping.”

Ye Maoshan's heart was filled with echoes, and it took him a long time to say: "...What a faith."

 Well, I don’t think I’m helping.

 As a person who has set foot on 9.6 million square kilometers of land, he should stand up for this land.

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