Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:18 PM

Chapter 5407: She plans to take care of this matter

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Isn't this what he did in the first place regardless of his life? Some young people today feel the same as they did back then.

His attitude was not as hard as before, but a lot more relaxed: "We still don't know under what name the FBI took Zhou Xuxing away."

Qiao Nian put his hands on his knees: "No matter what reason they use to take away our people, we will fight them to the end."

Ye Maoshan was silent for a moment, as if thinking about the feasibility of Qiao Nianti's words.

Qiao Nian's casual tone continued: "They caused a car accident and took away our people. They have already broken up with us. The world's eyes are focused on us, and everyone is watching our reaction. If we don't give If we fight back forcefully, those people will think that we are easy to bully. At that time, not only the FBI will dare to take away our scientists, but even the cats and dogs on the roadside will dare to bite us. Their bites may not be painful, but they are annoying enough. "

Ye Wangchuan Qingyue's voice cut in: "I also agree with this."

Liang Conglin was not in a position to express his views, but the slight tremor in his eyes showed his position. He agreed with Qiao Nian's statement.

 Countries are just like people.

 If one party is too weak, other ‘people’ will think you are easy to bully, and further everyone will bully you and take advantage of you.

 So appropriate gentle measures are based on the magnanimity and self-cultivation of a person, but occasional thunderous measures are also necessary to deter people with bad intentions.

Ye Maoshan said after a long while: "I can't make the decision by myself. I will mention it to them when I get back."

 “Hmm.” Qiao Nian lowered her eyes and concentrated on eating breakfast, and did not bring up the topic again.

 After finishing breakfast.

Liang Conglin stood up and made an excuse to leave first.

 Ye Maoshan received a call and went out for a meeting.

 In a blink of an eye, only Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan were left in the old house.

 The old housekeeper followed Ye Maoshan away, and there was no one to make tea and cut fruit for them.

 The man picked up the coat at hand, stood up and said to the girl who was still sitting there: "Driving here? Come on, I'll take you back."

 After Qiao Nian replied the message, he stood up.

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes and asked, "Are you going to Master Cheng's place or back to the Rhine?" Qiao Nian put away the phone and raised her eyelids. A pair of clear eyes under the thin folds met his eyes, expressing emotions.

 “I’m going to visit the funeral home.”


 Two hours later.

 The two of them arrived at the funeral parlor on the outskirts of Beijing.

Outside the funeral home, reporters and media gathered to watch, but they were blocked by guards and blocked.

 Ye Wangchuan called in advance before coming.

 Their car drove through the crowd and entered.

The reporters outside happened to take pictures of this scene, and some reporters reluctantly questioned the guards who were maintaining order.

 “Why can they go in but we can’t?”

 “That’s right, why can others enter.”

Some reporters from major media outlets among them knew the license plate, so they quickly stopped their colleagues who were causing trouble and lowered their voices to warn them.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to kill you! Didn't you see what's the license plate on that car? 88888, who do you think it is? There's only one person in Beijing who uses this license plate. Don't make trouble here. If you make trouble again, we'll all be punished. Enter the situation."

He did not forget to turn around and say to others: "Other people who took photos of the car should be more conscious of themselves. They should be deleted if they are stupid. Don't post them and cause trouble to everyone!"

 Someone muttered: "Who is it?"

 A name floated in the air.

 “That one from the Ye family.”

 “Ye Shao.”

 “Stop asking.” (End of chapter)

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