Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:14 PM

Chapter 5411: Sister Nian climbed onto the ring

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Chapter 5411 Sister Nian climbed onto the ring

Of course he also likes to play hardcore.

For example, this young Wei likes racing and boxing.

Some friends who want to curry favor with him or have a good time with him will accompany him to the top of the mountain to drive a sports car from time to time, or come to the underground arena to play for a long time.

Today, Weilou suddenly wanted to come to the underground arena, so everyone came with him, which was considered a different kind of game.

 Besides the men, there were also many wealthy ladies who were usually close to Wei Lou and his friends.

 Some people are interested in guard buildings.

So after seeing Qiao Nian go up, those ladies and daughters frequently frowned, called the staff, pointed at the **** the stage and said, "Who is that person? Why did you let her go up? What if you offend Young Master Wei? …”

Before she finished speaking, she heard someone recognize Qiao Nian's identity.

"Ouch! If I'm not mistaken, this is... the daughter of the Jiang family who found her back. Jiang Li's sister, that person's fiancée!"

 “It’s Qiao Nian.”

 Someone announced their name.

 Ye Wangchuan and Wei Lou are in two circles.

Although everyone is in Beijing, the circles are different. There is almost no communication between the two parties, and many do not know each other.

 This does not prevent them from recognizing the girls on the ring.

Qiao Nian is too famous.

In addition to what happened with Jiang Xianrou before, he won the robot competition on behalf of Qingda University, and he was Huang Lao's successor... a close disciple that Nie Mi valued.

Her multiple identities destined her to be dazzling enough for people to remember her even if she didn't have the identity of Ye Wangchuan's fiancée.


 In the arena.

Girls don’t care at all about the comments in the audience.

She walked three steps away from the resting man and stopped. She stretched out her hand and raised her palm slightly toward the man: "Get up."

Weilou had just finished playing a game. Due to the extreme adrenaline surge, he did not notice the buzzing sound in the audience, nor did he notice an extra person on the stage.

 Until a hand appeared in his field of vision and he heard a familiar voice again.

Wei Lou suddenly raised his head. The girl stood within reach of him, as if a dream suddenly became a reality.

Wei Lou suddenly stood up.

 He didn't have time to speak.

I heard the girl’s arrogant tone: “Let’s have a game?”

Wei Lou could hear the suppressed emotion in her tone, and suppressed the throb at the moment he saw her appearance. He took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

 “I won’t let you.”

"hold head high."

Qiao Nian raised the corners of her lips, brushed the tip of her nose generously, and smiled.

 “Don’t let me.”

Wei Lou laughed, and began to enter the state as if he was noncommittal. He adjusted his position, as if he planned to have a good fight with her.

The air was filled with tension and anticipation, and the audience outside the Octagon was silent, with only the occasional sound of breathing and the slight sound of gloves hitting the leather.

Zhou Yang lowered his voice and spoke to Wen Ziyu: "What do you mean? Are they going to have a fight?"

Wen Ziyu stared at the stage, nervous and worried: "It should be."

Zhou Yang couldn't help but worry about Qiao Nian.

Wei Lou is a man, and he is extremely good at combat sports. He just beat a Triple Crown champion so hard that his mother didn’t recognize him and he got off the stage.

 Can Qiao Nian do it...

 The situation in the arena changes rapidly.

 Qiao Nian obviously didn't intend to take things slowly.

She was the first to attack, her left fist streaking through the air like lightning and heading straight for Wei Lou's face.

"Qiao Xiaonian, it's okay! You're so cruel right away." Wei Lou was well prepared, and he nimbly dodged sideways to avoid the heavy punch.

 Following that, he quickly counterattacked, and his right fist hit the girl's abdomen like a cannonball.

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