Published at 10th of May 2024 12:42:11 PM

Chapter 5414: She is here to seek justice for Li Zhou.

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Chapter 5414 She is here to seek justice for Li Zhou

 “The Sixth Continent…” Wei Lou was still in a daze.

 He heard her add: "The Theron family."

"!" Wei Lou suddenly came back to his senses and looked at her in shock: "You..."

He is one of the people behind the dark web in Continent Y. There are some secrets that others don’t know, and he has heard about them on the dark web.

Wei Lou has a rough estimate of how terrifying the Theron family is.

 She came to poke fun at Theron family’s secret island? !

He also sounded like he was just here to take a look.


Wei Lou’s eyelids twitched and her breathing was suffocated. She simply didn’t know how to describe her courage. It took a long time to find his voice: "Have you told Ye Wangchuan?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't stop her from such a big thing?

 She is playing with fire.

 Stoking a hornet's nest!

The girl looked over with surprise: "Why should you tell him?"

"Okay." Wei Lou knelt down, feeling secretly and indescribably happy in her heart. She didn't tell Ye Wangchuan, but brought him over.

He was in a better mood again, and his tough face became more serious: "Have you thought it through?"

 He asked the same question as Fred.

Qiao Nian first lowered his eyes casually, and then said as quietly as the breeze: "Do you know what happened to Li Zhou?"

As the future heir to the top circles in the capital and one of the princelings, Wei Lou could not know about the major events happening in the capital.

When Qiao Nian mentioned it, he was stunned and instantly understood what she was doing.

 The look he looked at the girl became complicated, his throat moved, and he could no longer say anything to persuade her to calm down.    He knew about Li Zhou.

 But I don’t know the role that Sixth Continent plays behind the scenes.

But since Qiao Nian came here and bothered to organize the situation, it can only mean that the Sixth Continent is inseparable from Li Zhou's death.

 She is here to seek justice for Li Zhou!

"Just make your decision, I have no objection." Wei Lou made a quick judgment.

Qiao Nian hummed, raised her dark eyes and said to him: "You are responsible for cutting off their network, and by the way, putting the video captured by the Netflix reporter on the black Internet. You have this authority! If I put it elsewhere, they will use it. Means to delete the video.”

"OK." Wei Lou raised his hand: "I am familiar with this business."

 In the past, in addition to helping girls sell small pills, he also did a lot of things that took advantage of the black network's authority.

Qiao Nian talked him through, then turned to tell several others what they needed to do well. At the end, her eyes were dark and high-spirited: "We'd better succeed at once, and don't let anyone go!"

 “Of course, those scum should pay the price!” Fred had wanted to do this for a long time.

David doesn't care about things outside F continent, but Qiao Nian is an exception. He touched the stubble on his chin and said to the girl: "You are the boss, you have the final say."

Not to mention Chun Lei, he has long regarded Qiao Nian as his spiritual support: "I listen to Sun!"

The girl stood up, clapped her hands, and motioned for everyone to look over. Her dark eyes were sharp, beautiful and dangerous.

 “Then do it!”

The IPA has long investigated the existence of such a small island in the world. The island uses human trafficking to abduct children and women of various races, and then conducts cruel and inhumane experiments on them. Those children and women will also become the demon's sexual desire. tool.

 If there is **** in the world.

This is a living hell!

IPA has rescued several people who escaped, but those people later either died or became insane. They also thought about sneaking into the island.

But those people were extra vigilant, and the person they managed to sneak in died soon after, and their bodies were thrown into the ocean.

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