Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:41 PM

Chapter 5416: Blockade the sea and air routes so they can't escape.

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Chapter 5416 Blockade the sea and air routes, they can’t escape

 The authority of the black network is in the hands of a few people, which is why she specially found Weilou to bring him here.

Of course she can use viruses to invade the dark web... But firstly it takes time, and secondly she is afraid of alerting the enemy so that the people inside have time to destroy the evidence.


Wei Lou stared at the computer screen closely, without stopping his work, and quickly entered the background. After several operations, a line of password popped up on the computer.

He entered the password with his own authority using the familiar method.

 Computer loads quickly to 100%.

 He breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head: "Okay!"

Qiao Nian's eyes darkened, and she raised her curled finger and pointed at the red dot on it: "Tear this place apart for me! David, can you do it?"

The man with a stubble on his face touched his chin, his sharp eyes stared at the position where she said, his broad shoulders were extremely reliable, and he replied frivolously.

"piece of cake."

 “Hmm.” Qiao Nian sat there with a strong aura. Her voice was low and powerful, with unquestionable authority: "Then tear it apart for me!"

 As her order was issued, the gunfire system on the ship quickly activated.

The shells pierced the night sky like meteors, hitting the defense system in the southeastern corner of the island with thunderous force. Explosions came one after another, and the fire reflected the entire sea surface red.

It also tore apart the dreams of those who work like flies and dogs!


 The earth on Temu Island shook.

The banquet music in the palace-like castle in the center of the island changed its tune, and everyone heard the explosions outside and the fire shooting into the sky.

The island owner, who had just reached a deal with the powerful, sullenly knocked the red wine glass in his hand on the table and glared at the people who came in.

"What's going on outside?" His men were trembling with fear, and they knelt down and replied in a low voice: "Master, it's not good. There are arms attacking us outside."

"Arms?" The owner of Temu Island is a middle-aged man with fat ears. He seemed to have heard a ridiculous answer and said in disbelief: "How could there be arms attacking the island? Which country is it from?"

He has his back to the Sixth Continent and is helping the Theron family. Who would come to his territory and run wild without having the foresight?

"I don't know." His man lowered his head and wanted to stick to the ground, his body shaking uncontrollably: "I didn't see the flag."


Generally, it is impossible for such heavy industrial weapons not to mark their ownership, and the flag of their own country is always planted on the deck.

The owners of Temu Island did not expect that the other party would dare to come and attack their island without a flag. Who is so out of his mind?

He looked at the guests in the middle of the ballroom who had lost interest in playing, and then heard the sound of mortars outside, and stood up to make arrangements irritably.

 “First arrange a flight to send the distinguished guests away.”

 “Yes, Master.”

He quickly turned around to reassure his sponsors, telling them not to worry, they would arrange everything and would not endanger their safety.

 The dignitaries who came here to play knew to some extent the power behind Diantem Island, so after his brief reassurance, although everyone was a little unhappy that their interest was interrupted, they were not too worried.

Just as the owner of Temu Island was waiting for his people to come back to inform him that the plane was arranged, his people hurried in again.

 “Have the plane arrangements been made?” he asked impatiently.

His people were even more panicked this time: "Master, no, they... they also have fighter planes blocking our way out." Now that the sea and air routes are blocked, they can't leave.

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