Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:33 PM

Chapter 5422: The sixth continent is furious

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Chapter 5422 The Sixth Continent is Furious

 This is not the scariest thing.

 The scariest thing is that when the reporter's camera was close to those cylinders, they saw human bodies soaked in them.

 There are men and women.

 There are adults, children, and the elderly.

This is all absurd and weird.

It is not like something that actually happened in the real world, but more like a picture that can only be described in movies and novels. It has hit the eyes of netizens around the world with such impact.

No one needs a female reporter to explain where this place is, they know exactly what the people on this island have done.

 And what were the researchers who were restrained by the intruding IPA police officers doing?

 They are experimenting on humans!


  The live broadcast of the Netflix reporter was like a whirlwind, destroying the superficial beauty of M continent, and the tidal wave of public opinion on the Internet was difficult to stop.

Although Sixth Continent responded quickly, it used all its power to force the three major mainstream social platforms to ban the live broadcast, and all related topics exploded.

 They even have the ability to blow up accounts discussing this matter.

The popularity of live broadcasts is rising instead of falling.

 More people began to discuss the island of sin.

And what scares those big figures who have participated in or been to the island is that civil organizations have begun to prepare for protests and demonstrations.


 The sixth continent.

 The main family of Theron family.

The old man sat in front of the priceless antique table. Time had carved deep marks on his face, and his silver hair and frosty temples looked particularly dazzling under the light. His hands were clenched into fists, and veins bulged on the backs of his old hands, as if trying to break free from the constraints of the skin.

 “Ten old men.”


Suddenly, he stood up abruptly, and his eyes that were once full of wisdom and calm were now flashing with angry fire.

His eyes were burning as he scanned the items on the table, each one seeming to be the object of his anger.

Then, he waved his trembling but powerful arm without hesitation, and his palm was like a sharp knife, slashing across the table. Just hearing a "crash", the books, documents, pen holders and other items on the table were swept to the ground.

 For a while, the table was empty.

  Everyone was too frightened to make a sound. The Shadow family, the Irene family, the Dowell family, the Brown family, and the rare ones all came to the Mu family.

The twenty or thirty people headed by Mu Qingtian stood there with their hands down, watching the swept away items scattered on the ground. Some pages were turned over by the wind, making a rustling sound.

 Some documents were scattered and papers were flying everywhere; the pens in the pen holder also rolled to the ground, making a crisp collision sound.

 The whole room seemed to be shaken by the sudden sound, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Ten old man." The patriarch of the Shadow family, Ying Shi's grandmother, has the best relationship with him and is the only one who dares to speak out at this time.

 “You are not in good health, don’t be angry.”

"Huh?" The old man's chest heaved violently. He was breathing heavily, his eyes still staring at the items that had been swept away.

His face was full of anger and cruelty, as if he wanted to vent all his pent-up frustration.

"not angry?"

His eagle-like eyes looked around everyone's faces, and his knife-like eyes split the masks. No one dared to look directly at his beast-like gaze at this moment.

"Our secret research institute has been exposed in front of the whole world. Do you want me to take care of myself and not be angry?" Mu Qingtian frowned and said: "The important thing now is how to solve the problem. Let's suppress this public opinion first! Go to those People who were taken away by IPA on the island..."

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