Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:32 PM

Chapter 5423: I want Sister Nian to learn to bow her head

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Chapter 5423 Let Sister Nian learn to bow her head

Before he finished speaking, he saw Shi Lao raising his hand to stop him from continuing.

 “IPA is not our people.”

"I know." Mu Qingtian certainly knew that IPA was not one of theirs, otherwise those people would have taken the courage of a leopard and gone to Temu Island to arrest people: "But we must keep silent!"

He said the words of murder and silence in a calm tone, without the slightest sense of violation, and he was so skillful that it didn't look like he had done it for the first time.

Tim Island has such a big goal, and it entertains dignitaries from all over the world all year round. There are always one or two people who try to leak the secrets of the island.

Of course they are familiar with doing these things, and this is not the first time.

 But the old man’s face was still as dark as water and he rejected him sternly: “No.”

 Mu Qingtian was displeased: "Why?"

There was something strange in his eyes: "Don't tell me that you are still soft-hearted towards the so-called granddaughter-in-law and want to let her go."

He immediately said in a cold voice: "Ten Elders, this is related to the interests of the Sixth Continent and is not your family matter. Even if you are the head of the Theron family, you cannot have the final say alone! We must keep it secret."

"Do you think she is one of those people you have 'silenced' before? If you have the ability, go ahead and silence her. I would be more than happy to do so, and I will wait for your good news here!" The old man sneered, without any emotion. Her eyes squinted at him, as if looking at an opponent who was unworthy of the stage.

Mu Qingtian suddenly recalled what kind of person Qiao Nian was, and immediately felt as if someone had slapped him, his face turned blue and white, and he was extremely embarrassed.

 “Then you can’t do nothing!”

"…you're right."

 The old man was almost whispering.

"The way she does things will not give us the opportunity to attack the person in charge of IPA. If we attack the people in IPA now, we will only get caught more. So we can't touch the people in IPA! We can't do anything if we don't touch the person in charge of IPA." By putting pressure on them, he will definitely find a way to pry open the mouths of the captured people... then more secrets about Temu Island will be revealed. "

 What should he do to stop the situation at this time?

      Qiao Nian...     Shi Lao pressed his throbbing temples, but he could not control the spreading headache.

 Rarely did he get such a headache.

Last time, she sneaked into Wucheng District under her nose and came to take away her grandson, and also rescued the hostages he had finally captured.

this time…

 Sen Lao knew very well why Qiao Nian fell out with him and broke up Temu Island...

 Because he ‘punished’ her for blowing up Victoria Harbor during this period, and because Ye Wangchuan refused to return to the family...

 He killed the talents trained by country Z.

Qiao Nian revealed the secret of Temu Island.

Shi Lao felt an indescribable gloom in his heart. The corners of his mouth straightened and his eyes darkened. After the great anger, he actually appreciated Qiao Nian's actions.

 As things come and go, you will be repaid for your anger!

The heart is cruel enough and the hand is steady enough.

 Such a woman is many times better than the fiancée he chose for his grandson. The Ye family is much more discerning in this regard.

It's a pity that she is not of the Sixth Continent's blood, otherwise he would have wanted to find someone else.

“If you can’t put pressure on IPA, put pressure on Country Z.”

 The old man’s eyes gradually became calm and fierce.

Faced with someone like Qiao Nian, the only way to go is head-on. No one can stop him from what he wants to do: "Isn't she going to stand up for Country Z? Then tell her that the Theron family is not easy to mess with!"

"Let State M block the chips and communication equipment of Country Z!" The ten elders came with a cold expression, carrying power: "She Qiao Nian wants to vent her anger for Country Z, I will let her learn how to write the word 'bow down' !”

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