Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:31 PM

Chapter 5424: The IPA people have to go first

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  Tem Island.

Fred searched around and found Qiao Nian.

 “Qiao Nian.”

The girl leaning against the wall turned her head. She was wearing a red sweatshirt and a peaked cap. Her short forehead hair lay casually on her forehead. She stood there leisurely and stood out from the crowd.

Fred strode over and looked in the direction her back was facing. I saw people from the Pharmacy Association busy extracting liquids from the island's laboratory.

They want to take the liquid in the glass tube back for analysis and study to see what the Theron family's unnatural human experiments are intended to do.

 “You want to see me for something?” The girl suddenly drew his attention back.

Fred focused his attention on her again. The girl's face had a sharp outline, and even wearing a casual sweatshirt could not hide her unruly coldness.

 He couldn't help but be attracted by his gaze: "Hmm...uh."

Qiao Nian's expression gradually became impatient. Fred finally controlled his facial expression, put a curved fist in front of his lips and cleared his throat forcefully: "Ahem!"

 Qiao avoided him without a trace, with disgust written on his face, and looked at him expressionlessly: "I have something to do. I have a cold and go to the hospital for treatment."

"..." Fred was dumbfounded. At least he had been in contact with her for a while and could feel her temper. He knew that Qiao Nian was as germaphobic as that one. He felt that his behavior just now was stupid. He touched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment and said, "I'll do it. I’m telling you we’re ready to leave.”

Qiao Nian then set her sights on him and said in a foolproof manner: "Ang."

 This means to know.

Fred's deep blue eyes were startled: "I was supposed to wait for you to come together, but my people reported that many victims were seriously injured and needed to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. So..."

"I know." The girl interrupted his polite words and walked inside. Call Chun Lei and explain to Chun Lei, concisely and concisely: "Call David, the people escorting IPA will leave first."

Chunlei was suddenly startled: "Sun, what about you?" We are gone, what about you? Fred waved his hands hurriedly: "No need to go to such trouble, you allocate a few people to me and we will go on our own. I contacted the corresponding ship."

"You are taking the hostages. To ensure safety, let David send you back." Qiao Nian did not give him a chance to refuse.

 Fred was choked by what he said, and raised his eyes to look at her seriously: "What about you?"

"Me?" The girl chuckled lightly, her lips were thin, her shoulders and neck lines were smooth, and her eyes were raised inwards and outwards: "I'm waiting for them to cause trouble!"

In the end, Fred couldn't resist her and left with Chunlei.

Before leaving, Chunlei was worried and warned him repeatedly: "Sun, wait for us here. We will go back quickly. Please pay attention to your safety."



David sent away the IPA and Netflix reporters, and she and Wei Lou were the only ones left on the island, as well as the members of the Pharmacy Association who stayed to collect laboratory drugs and liquids.

 Qiao Nian ignored the empty island, walked into the laboratory, followed one of the Pharmacy Association members, and suddenly asked.

 “Can you tell which medicines they used?”


The Pharmacy Association member was startled. He turned around and saw her. He covered his heart and beat his heart. He said with lingering fear: "Q, you scared me."

Qiao Nian took the U-shaped tube from his hand and shook it to observe the light yellow liquid inside. The glass reflected her obsidian eyes, with thick and straight eyelashes. The light hitting her eyelashes gave her a distant and cold feeling.

 “What is this?” (End of chapter)

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