Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:29 PM

Chapter 5425: Guan Yan and Bo Jingxing came together

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The person from the Pharmacy Association had professional knowledge and calmed his mind: "Well... I used the equipment here to check it. It is a mixed human body extract, and the main ingredient in it is adrenochrome."

"Adrenochrome?" Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes, looked at the U-shaped tube in his hand again, and shook the test tube thoughtfully.

I also heard someone from the Pharmacy Association say unbearably: "I found the body of a... seven or eight-year-old child in the glass tube inside. His... expression when he died was very 'special'. I thought it was strange, so I pulled it out from inside I took out some liquid and put it under the microscope for a while. The equipment here is not complete, and I don’t know if there are other ingredients in the liquid. I am sure that it contains a lot of adrenochrome. I don’t know what they used it for. "

Qiao Nian tilted her head and suddenly mentioned: "Scientists from the Institute of Oncology of the University of Oviedo, Spain, and the University of Paris, France, published an article on human aging in SCI magazine. They proposed that therapeutic intervention can be used to slow down and stop aging. , and even reverse aging. He proposed adrenochrome and mentioned medieval legends to support his statement. "

When the people from the Pharmacy Association heard this, they were stunned. They were unconsciously attracted by her words and frowned.

 “What legend?”

The girl Qing Lingling's eyes were astonishingly cold: "It is said that nobles in the Middle Ages liked to raise children and extract their blood to realize their dream of eternal youth, which was the original origin of vampires. In the later period, people gradually became clear that blood cannot keep people young. , they conducted further research and found that it was not the blood of children that could delay aging, but a substance secreted by children through fear. "

People from the Pharmacy Association blurted out: "Adrenochrome!"

 He suddenly remembered the frightened expression of the child soaked in the liquid, gritted his teeth, and his face became pale and angry.

 “These scumbags!”

Qiao Nian returned the tube of liquid to his hand and said calmly: "After you have collected the evidence, bury those people."

Chinese people pay attention to the idea of ​​resting in their graves.

She didn’t know where these people came from or whether they had any relatives, so she could only send them home in the most simple way.


The man from the Pharmacy Association clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed. He bit his tongue until it was numb and said, "I know." Qiao Nian said no more, turned around and walked out. At this moment, her cell phone rang, and she picked it up as she walked. Telephone.


 The familiar voice of Guan Yan reached his ears: "I'm here."

 “Where?” Qiao Nian strode quickly.

Guan Yan reported a position.

Qiao Nian went over there to find her.

  The people on Temu Island were caught and taken away. Except for a bunch of them who were still on the island, it became a veritable empty island.

When Qiao Nian found Guan Yan, Wei Lou had already met Guan Yan.

 In addition to the arrival of Guan Yan, there was an unexpected visitor.

"Ms. Qiao." Bo Jingxing stood next to the inkstone, reaching out to push up the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose. The fox eyes behind the lenses were slightly raised, and he greeted her in a calm tone.

Qiao Nian looked at the speedboat behind them, raised his eyebrows and walked over. He touched Guan Yan's shoulders first, then turned to Bao Jingxing and said, "Don't you have something to do in Continent F?"

After leaving your province, Bo Jingxing and Guan Yan set off for F Continent together. (End of chapter)

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