Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:29 PM

Chapter 5426: The boss changed his profession to tell fortunes

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 Guan Yan went to find David, and Bao Jingxing heard that he had other things to attend to, so in the blink of an eye the two of them were here together again.

 Qiao Nian had to doubt his purpose.

Her eyes moved around the two of them. Guan Yan didn't notice her fleeting gaze, but Bo Jingxing could see it clearly.

While being surprised by Qiao Nian's keen insight, he said the words he had prepared long ago.

“I received a call from my second uncle, so I came over to see if I could help.”


Bo Zheng’s phone number?

 She doesn't quite believe this reason.

Her eyes paused on the man's face for half a second, and then thought of Qin Si and his parents who were in a mess, she suddenly stopped and was too lazy to care about what Bao Jingxing wanted to do.

 “Ang, just say so!”

Guan Yan looked at the girl who looked away instantly and wondered: "Sun, what are you talking about? What is that? He was just about to come over, so we came together."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian didn't expose someone's inner thoughts. She was about to discuss with Guan Yan how to go later when she saw Guan Yan answered the phone.

 When he came back, his face turned extremely ugly and he said, "Sun, we can't leave."

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Guan Yan murmured: "The ship that responded to us was sunk by someone, and someone is approaching Temu Island. It seems that they don't intend to let us leave here alive."

After hearing this, Qiao Nian looked calm and indifferent, and seemed to have little reaction, as if he had expected this to happen. He twitched the corners of his mouth, and his angry eye folds unconsciously pressed down a bit.

 “Theron family.”

"They dare to commit crimes?!" Guan Yan was incredulous.

ˆ Netflix reporters conducted a global live broadcast on Temu Island, exposing this sinful city to a global perspective. The members of the Theron family resorted to killing people and silencing them. Is it because they were afraid that the matter would not be big enough or attract enough attention?

Qiao Nian moved her wrist freely, her eyebrows frivolous: "Who knows."

As soon as he saw it, Guan Yan could tell that she was answering casually, and immediately asked her: "Do you have any idea? Could it be that David and the others pretended to leave, but are actually nearby."

Qiao Nian looked dumbfounded: "No. They are really gone."

“There are many injured among the hostages rescued by IPA. Those people really need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise their lives will be in danger.”

"?" Guan Yan didn't understand: "David and the others are really gone, aren't you anxious Sun?" Why did she feel that Qiao Nian seemed to have been prepared for it and was not in a hurry.

The girl looked at the endless ocean, her eyes far away, and her thin shoulders were stretched out by the sweater swollen by the sea breeze: "Because I think someone will come to save us."

 Guan Yan: “???”

 Has the boss changed his profession to tell fortunes?


 Someone wants to save them?

Other than the boss, who dares to provoke the Theron family?

 And how did that person know they were in danger?

Guan Yan didn't understand or understand why Qiao Nian said that, but when he saw the girl leading them to the island, he followed her unconsciously.

On the other hand, when Bo Jingxing heard this, he glanced in Qiao Nian's direction, with a glimmer of clarity in his fox eyes, as if he knew who Qiao Nian was talking about.


 The high seas have always been the most difficult and dangerous areas to manage.

Piracy is rampant here and continues to be rampant.

 People die here every day.

Ships coming and going will try their best to avoid this sea area if they can avoid it. Only those that cannot avoid it will risk passing by here. Once people step into this sea area, it means tying their heads to their waistbands and gambling with their own lives... (End of this chapter)

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