Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:28 PM

Chapter 5427: Protect her no matter what she does

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Chapter 5427: Defend her no matter what she does

At this moment, the sky is clear on the high seas, which is much better than the last thunderstorm. The ends of the sea and the sky connect into a magnificent scenery.

If you ignore the tense confrontation at sea, people who accidentally break into this place may even think that this is an undeveloped scenic spot.

 At the center of the standoff was a sunk ship.

 There were many people swimming around the ship waiting for rescue.

Some people in the southeast kept throwing lifebuoys into the people in the water and pulling them on board one by one. Professional search and rescue personnel also went into the water to rescue people who had fallen into the water and were swept away by the current.

Compared with the lively efforts to save people in the water, the atmosphere on the decks of the two adjoining ships was gloomy, so solemn that not even a breath of sea breeze could blow in.

Sa Lan's face was cold and beautiful, and her dark brown eyes looked at the person opposite: "You want to go against me?"

 Challenging, tough.

 A suppressive tone!

"Tsk." The young man standing on the deck within her reach had long since torn off his suit and tie. His sleeves were rolled up at his elbows. His brows were rugged and hard, his black hair was like an inkstone, and his facial features were attacking. Very strong.

His young facial contours are hidden in the half-darkness of the scorching sun. His eyelids are slack and the emotions in his dark pupils are unpredictable.

 “Why aren’t you against me?”

Gu San took a breath from the side and subconsciously looked at Sai Lan's reaction.

As expected, I saw that the tenderness in Mr. Wang’s biological mother’s eyes had turned dark, and she was left with a sharp confrontation: “I have to teach her a lesson today!”

Ye Wangchuan took out the silver cigarette case from his pocket, took out a slender cigarette and put it to his mouth. He bit the cigarette **** with his teeth and the cool mint flavor filled his mouth.

As if thinking of something, he lowered his eyes deeply, took out the slender cigarette held in his thin lips and held it in his hand, playing with the slender cigarette with his long finger bones, looking broad and dignified.

 “You go.” He chuckled lowly, making people unconsciously look at his cold brows.

Sa Lan saw that he had the same appearance and temperament as that man. Anger rushed from his chest to his heart, and he couldn't help but say harsh words.

 “You think I dare not.”

 The man responded to her with a cold and forceful reply: "Well, you don't dare."

“…” Sai Lan almost died of anger here.

She loosened her clenched hands and softened her attitude: "Do you know what she did to defend her like this? Do you know that she..."

 Suddenly she was interrupted by the man: "No matter what she does, I will defend her!"

Sailan fell silent for a moment, looking up at him in disbelief. What seemed so graceful and unattainable turned into embarrassment and anger in the next moment.

 “I see you are carried away by women!”

Ye Wangchuan was unmoved. He broke the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the sea. There was no emotion in his eyes: "You can say whatever you like."

Sailan tried hard to suppress his temper and said with a serious face: "What she did is enough to drag you into the abyss. Even if you have the blood of Theron family in your body, it is not enough to protect your safety. I am your mother, even if I didn’t care about you before, and I wouldn’t harm you.”

"It won't harm me?" Ye Wangchuan chewed her words and looked at her sharply: "Do you believe it yourself?"

Sa Lan weakly avoided his gaze and suppressed her impatience: "Anyway, I have to teach her a lesson this time."

Ye Wangchuan took out his mobile phone in front of her: "Did the island ask you to come here, or was it your own private action? Do you want me to call and ask the Sixth Continent?"

Sailan shouted angrily: "Ye Wangchuan!"

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