Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:27 PM

Chapter 5428: Mother and son confrontation

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Chapter 5428 Confrontation between mother and son

His wrist bones were slightly extended, and he lowered his eyes and said softly: "It seems that you acted on your own initiative."

Sa Lan was annoyed several times and was repeatedly challenged by him on her authority as an elder. Finally, she couldn't help but said: "You like her so much that you don't hesitate to go against the family?"

She didn't wait for Ye Wangchuan to speak, and said coldly with a mixed tone of contempt: "She is just a wild girl."

"So what if you have the blood of the Ji family in the Independent Continent? Ji Wuxiao died early, and the Ji family has only risen in the Independent Continent for three generations, not even three generations. Her so-called descendant of the Ji family who is the direct bloodline has not been recognized by the genealogy and has been living in exile all year round. outside."

"As for the red alliance and the second-rate diamond dealer she created outside, how can these small-time statuses be worthy of your noble bloodline?"

“Our Theron family has stood outside the world for hundreds and thousands of years. As the most likely heir to the main branch of this generation, you must have a clear mind and not be deceived.”


Ye Wangchuan's eyes were covered with a layer of frost: "Are you done?"

Sa Lan couldn't tell how many times he had interrupted her mid-sentence today. She saw the man frowning and his handsome face, as clear as a distant mountain, showed a rude look.

 “You have twenty minutes to leave here.”

 “?” Sailan frowned.

“The people from Netflix will be here in twenty minutes.” The sea breeze blew up the hem of his clothes, blowing the wind into his waist and abdomen, outlining his superior figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her with a faint look: "If you want to do another live broadcast, you can stay here."

"You threaten me with your grandpa?" Sai Lan's expression changed slightly, and he regained the seriousness of his previous soft-spoken attitude, and straightened the corners of his mouth.

 He turned around and gave the subordinates next to him a wink.

 She didn’t say a word, and the subordinate quietly left her side. She came here without her father's permission, so she acted on her own initiative. Sai Lan also wanted to take the opportunity to solve the "trouble" on the island, so as to improve his prestige and voice in the Sixth Continent.

 She has always been ambitious and has clear goals.

 But Shi Lao hated her showing her ambition.

If she had done things quietly and then returned to the Sixth Continent, her good father might have praised her and even delegated power to her. But if she had messed up things and leaked the news, her good father would have seized the opportunity to punish her. Deal with her hard.

There is no such thing as failure in Sai Lan’s life creed. She certainly will not be threatened by her son who is in his twenties with just one sentence.

While the two sides were silently confronting each other, the speedboat on Sailan's side, which had been motionless, started to move. A speedboat tried to break through from the southeast corner.

 The buzzing sound of the motor disrupts the delicate balance.

Gu San's expression suddenly changed, and he just shouted: "Master Wan."

 They cannot let Sailan's people leave this sea area, otherwise Miss Qiao will be in danger.

The originally sparkling blue sea surface suddenly had an unusual ripple.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light erupted in the center of the speedboat, like lightning during the day, instantly tearing apart the tranquility of the night.

“Boom—” The sound of the explosion was like the roar of a giant beast, shaking the entire sea area. The waves surged violently under the impact of the sound waves, setting off huge waves several meters high.

The firelight reflected the surrounding sea surface, dyeing the original deep blue into a scarlet.

The flames raged on the wreckage of the ship's hull, making a "chichi" sound from the place where it came into contact with the sea water, and wisps of white steam came out.

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