Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:25 PM

Chapter 5429: Miss Qiao didn’t know we were going?

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Chapter 5429 Miss Qiao didn’t know we would go?

The air is filled with the smell of burnt fire and gunpowder, and the color of blood spreads from around the speedboat, attracting hunting creatures in the ocean.

Sa Lan’s face was uglier than the exploding speedboat. He squinted his eyes and looked at the man facing him in disbelief.

 “You are really a good son I gave birth to.”

He actually slapped her in the face like this!

Ye Wangchuan's eyebrows suddenly narrowed, and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "I have said that I have no so-called mother and grandfather, Ms. Sailan."

"Ha." Sai Lan snorted coldly: "I think you are really crazy. You are so confused by her that you will regret it one day!"

Ye Wangchuan was too lazy to argue with her: "I'm waiting for that day to come."

Sa Lan was so angry at her biological son that her chest heaved up and down, and she pressed her hand on her heart, unable to calm down her anger for a long time.

The man didn't care about the anger she showed. He looked at her as if he had no emotion. He raised his hand and looked at his watch: "You still have 15 minutes."

Sa Lan gritted her teeth and tried her best not to let out her annoyance. She turned around and left the deck without looking back. After a while, the ships confronting them quietly left the sea area.

Ye Wangchuan watched them leave the turbulent sea water and ordered Gu San: "Send a drone to follow them. There is no need to hide the trace, let them see the drone."

Gu Sanduo was a smart person and immediately understood his intention to let Sai Lan know that they were monitoring him, so he immediately went to do it: "Yes, Mr. Wang."

Ye Wangchuan made these arrangements, then turned and left the deck, and said to the person who brought him: "Go to Temu Island to pick up the people."

 Sailan was repulsed and their ships sailed towards Temu Island.


At this time, Ji Lin dared to follow him and said hesitantly: "Master Wan, you actually didn't call anyone from Netflix at all. What if she refuses to leave..."

Ye Wangchuan didn't look back: "She can't." Sai Lan didn't dare to gamble, and he knew very well why Sai Lan didn't dare to gamble. The Sixth Continent looks like a piece of iron, but the fight inside has become fierce. Every family is taking sides, and the relationship between the two largest branches of the Theron family, Mu Qingtian and the ten elders, is not harmonious.

 Normally speaking, there will be no mistakes in suppressing Mu Qingtian with the ability of the ten old men.

 In the past ten years, his son and grandson passed away one after another.

The relationship between him and Sai Lan, a father and daughter, is extremely delicate. The overt and covert conflicts between the two father and daughter broke the once balanced balance.

Mu Qingtian’s power is on the rise.

 Some people in other families who firmly chose the Ten Elders began to have dissent, and several forces competed in the dark many times.

 It also caused the Sixth Continent as a whole to be weakened a lot.

Just like Sai Lan's solo action this time was not approved by Shi Lao and other people on the island. Sai Lan wanted to take the opportunity to kill Qiao Nian for the sake of power, but at the same time she did not dare to stay for the sake of power, fearing that she would lose the rice by stealing the chicken. Make others cheaper.

"..." Ji Lin didn't know the internal secrets of the Sixth Continent. Seeing what he said, he couldn't ask any more questions, so he followed Ye Wangchuan into the command room.

 The command room was full of people from the bunker.

Mo Dong is also there.

Seeing the two people coming in, the tall man in the iron tower hurriedly stood up: "Master Wang, have you contacted Sun?"

"She should have no signal there." Ye Wangchuan walked behind his position, looked at the satellite positioning above, and asked him: "How long do we have to get there."

Mo Dong looked back at the display screen and calculated: "About half an hour."

Soon he seemed to remember something again, and said worriedly: "Master Wan, have you not told Miss Qiao?"

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