Published at 17th of May 2024 01:07:22 PM

Chapter 5431: Send a message to Sister Nian

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Chapter 5431 Send a message to Sister Nian

Wen Yiliang pointed at himself and said expressionlessly: "Then why did you kick me for no reason!"

"Probably because...I can meet the person I like right away." Ye Wangchuan narrowed his deep dark eyes, and his happy mood could be seen from his face to his movements, and he looked romantic and carefree.

Wen Yiliang was completely speechless by him. He turned to look at his dashboard and said, "I can't stand you young people. I'll drive the boat faster. You can tell your girlfriend yourself. Don't tell me, an old man." We old people can’t hear this.”


Ye Wangchuan smiled and said nothing, and the smile on his lips showed that he was in a really good mood. While Wen Yiliang was adjusting the ship's speed, he lowered his head and tried to send a message to the girl.


  Qiao Nian and Guan Yan reconnected the island's network, and then saw the extra message on their mobile phones.

 From twenty minutes ago.

 The contact she pinned on WeChat.


She leaned against the corridor and opened the message. As soon as she took a look, Weilou came out and saw her. The right light from the sun shone on the girl, as if she could shine.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Lou walked over and patted her shoulder.

 Qiao Nian sensed his aura from the moment he approached, and she relaxed her guard when she realized that he was an acquaintance. Her eyelids were twitching and she was too lazy to raise her head and wave her cell phone at him.

 “Reply the message.”


Wei Lou responded, sat down on the railing next to her, turned sideways, and looked at her deeply.

 “Are you really ready?”

"What?" Qiao Nian had just finished replying to Ye Wangchuan's message and scrolled down again. She saw that Mr. Ye also sent her a message asking her about Temu Island.

She had no intention of telling Ye Maoshan that she did it. She didn't want the old man to worry. She only said that she was going around the city and didn't know about Temu Island.

Wei Lou saw that her slender fingers kept replying to messages without even looking at him. He felt sad and bitter. His heart wrinkled and sank after being soaked in lemon: "I heard from Aunt Yuan that you plan to marry him in the future. ”

Qiao Nian finally raised her eyes, her obsidian eyes looked at him without evading: "Ah, I have this plan."

"?" Wei Lou thought she was deceiving him and comforting him, but he didn't expect her to admit directly to his face that she wanted to marry Ye Wangchuan, and the lemon-like sourness in his heart turned into unbelievable depression.

Qiao Nian didn't seem to see the accusation in his eyes. He picked up his mobile phone and stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and said nonchalantly: "The party and the people have not taught us that any love that is not for the purpose of marriage is a hooligan. I This man…is quite teachable!”

"You? Taught?" Wei Lou seemed to have heard a big joke and couldn't help shouting: "Who broke up with the Independent Continent over a disagreement, and who went to Tem Island to stab the Sixth Zhou Xinwozi? You can't do these things if you just listen to advice."

 “It depends on who persuades me.” The girl tilted her head seriously.

Wei Lou dissipated all his emotions, held his forehead, and waved his hands with a look of despair on his face: "Okay, you'd better stop talking. I knew you didn't listen to what you said before, and it's even more unpleasant now." !”

 Qiao Nian acted like he didn't want to hear anything if he didn't like it, and was ready to talk to Guan Yan about the matter.

 She had just taken two steps.

The man's forbearing voice came from behind: "Why him."

 Qiao Nian paused.

Wei Lou tried hard to control his overflowing emotions, but his throat was still infected with a bitter hoarseness: "Qiao Xiaonian, why him?"

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