Published at 20th of May 2024 12:12:49 PM

Chapter 5439: There's sand in my eyes

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 Chapter 5439 I have sand in my eyes

By the time Qiao Nian found the crowd, the girl was two steps behind her.

Qiao Nian knew that she was still following him, but he was too lazy to pay attention to her little behavior.

 After meeting Liang Conglin, he said hello to Liang Conglin: "Principal Liang."

Liang Conglin was talking to other people. When he heard the voice, he immediately showed a smile and reached out to hold the girl's arm: "You are here. I was telling Mrs. Zhou about you. Come and say hello to Mrs. Zhou."

The girl avoided his hand without leaving a trace. When she saw a silver-haired old lady, she walked over and politely introduced herself to him.

“Hello, I am Qiao Nian, the leader of the legal team this time. Just call me by my name.”

“Hello.” Old Mrs. Zhou was born into a well-known family. When she was a child, her family was considered a wealthy gentry in the local area.

 Her father, brothers and sisters all went to the battlefield and died early.

She herself was one of the first batch of students to graduate from a women’s college. She had the experience of studying abroad, and later volunteered to come back to serve the motherland.

He is one of the earliest geological experts in China and one of the discoverers of Daqing Oilfield.

 The old lady has been retired for many years. When she was young, she stayed in the northwest for a long time. She suffered a lot and was not well maintained due to exposure to wind and sun.

You can see deep ravines in the corners of your eyes, and your skin is not fair. But he was wearing a clean cotton pullover, a silk scarf tied around his neck, his waist was straight, and his energy could be seen.

She looked at Qiao Nian with bright eyes, stretched out her hand to shake the girl's hand, and then let go, always with a gentle smile.

"I heard Principal Liang talking about you, and Mr. Ye also called me. They were all worried that I wouldn't trust you to be responsible for Xu Xing's affairs at your age. But I don't think so."

“Age is not a measure of a person’s ability. As soon as I see you, I know I can trust you.”

"I'll try my best." Qiao Nian didn't guarantee that it would work because she didn't like promises, especially things that haven't been fulfilled yet.

However, Mrs. Zhou liked her humility very much and nodded in agreement: "Then we will follow your arrangements?" Qiao Nian was actually quite dry before she woke up. She drooped her eyelids and tried her best to suppress the sleepiness around her body. He was manic and depressed, but he acted upright in front of the old man and said yes.

“When you get to country m, you can contact me if you have any needs, and I will try my best to help you solve it.”

She took out her mobile phone and reported a series of phone numbers.

He took the initiative to ask Mrs. Zhou for her phone number.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Send me a text message or call me. I'll reply when I see you. If I don't reply, just call me."

Mrs. Zhou exchanged numbers with her, turned around and asked the person supporting her to write down the number and what Qiao Nian said.

There are quite a few Zhou family members traveling with us this time.

 Except for Mrs. Zhou.

Zhou Xuxing’s parents are also going.

There were also two or three relatives from home following him. They were all worried about Zhou Xuxing's personal safety in country m and strongly requested to go and see him.

At this time, Zhou's mother found her natal niece standing pitifully behind and screamed in surprise.

 “Jiaqi, what’s wrong with you?”

 “Ah, no.”

 Zhou's mother discovered: "Why are your eyes red? Are you crying?"

The girl hesitated to speak and looked away awkwardly. She stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes and reacted sadly: "I...No, there is sand in my eyes. Auntie, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

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