Published at 20th of May 2024 12:12:31 PM

Chapter 5441: Sister Nian: Have you felt unwell recently?

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Chapter 5441 Sister Nian: Have you felt unwell recently?

Seeing that she could not be persuaded, Zhou's mother shook her head helplessly and stopped talking.

Dai Jiaqi also put away her previous expression of being aggrieved and unwilling to express anything, and tried her best to force herself to show the relief that the weather had cleared after the rain.

 She has to go to country m to have a chance to meet that person.

She pulled Zhou's mother and urged: "Aunt, grandma and the others are checking in. Let's hurry up."


the other side.

Qiao Nian was leaning against the check-in gate with one hand on the railing, leaning there carelessly, looking back at the news.

 She replied to other people’s messages first.

 Finally, she pulled WeChat to the pinned profile picture. The profile picture lit up with a red dot, indicating that the other party had sent her a new message, but she still didn't click in to read it.

The image of Dai Jiaqi openly provoking her to compete with her just now was still replaying in her mind, and Qiao Nian didn't want to admit that she was irritated by the provocation.

 She rarely has emotional fluctuations with unrelated people, which is why she rarely cares about what people around her say or do.

 Dai Jiaqi is a stranger to her who does not need to reciprocate her emotions.

However, Qiao Nian was rarely affected by her, and even now the aftertaste of the mood swings still lingered in her nerves, the subtle discomfort of having her belongings coveted.

 “Hmm, butterfly.”

She clicked her tongue and was about to click on the dialog box with a very honest body.

 A phone call came in.

 Qiao Nian saw that the caller ID showed a series of unknown numbers, raised his eyebrows, put the phone to his ear and picked it up.


“Qiao Nian, are you the one bringing the legal team here this time?”

Qiao Nian took off her phone and looked at the caller ID. She was sure it was a number she had never seen before, but the voice sounded familiar.

 “Say something if you have something to say.”

Elena said straightforwardly: "I have nothing to do. I just called you to tell you that we will meet soon."

"Hang up." The girl's voice was as cold as ice water, and she had no intention of continuing the conversation. Elena suddenly said before that happened: "Were you injured last time you took something on my property?"


"Pfft." A woman's cruel sneer came from the other end of the phone, and then she said: "When I checked the safe, I found that the short arrow was missing. If you are not injured, there is no need to pick it up. Unless... it hits. you."

"What do you want to say?" Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes, with danger in her eyes.

Elena instead became the one who was hanging high: "It's nothing, I just asked you out of curiosity. Now it's confirmed."

The more she acted like this, the more Qiao Nian felt the danger hidden in her words, and was about to ask again.

Elena said first: "I still have something to do, that's it. I look forward to seeing you again!"

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Qiao Nian listened to the busy signal from the other end of the phone, took the phone away thoughtfully, looked down at the hung up call for a while, and tightened the corners of his mouth.

 She pulled out the pinned message on WeChat.

Ye Wangchuan asked her if she had arrived at the airport.

She was crouching her neck as she edited the message, her brows knitted together.

  [QN: When are you free to have a full-body check-up, including a blood test? ]

 The other end shows that input is in progress.

 Qiao Nian waited for him to reply to her.

 However, after waiting for three full minutes, no message was sent from the other side.

Qiao Nian thought for a while, then lowered her head and edited the message with her white fingertips to send it.

  [QN: Have you felt unwell recently? ]

This time I got back very quickly.

 It shows ‘inputting’.

  Within a few seconds, Qiao Nian received his reply.

  [Y: None. ]

  [Y: Have you arrived at the airport? I met the Zhou family. ]

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