Published at 20th of May 2024 12:12:23 PM

Chapter 5443: I still want to compete fairly with you

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Chapter 5443 I still want to compete fairly with you

 “Thank you.” Mrs. Zhou thanked her sincerely.

Liang Feng said a few polite words, then turned his attention to the girl beside him who didn't talk much, and took the initiative to ask: "Ms. Qiao, before I came here, I heard that a friend of yours is also going to attend this meeting as a member of the legal team. A lawsuit, right?"

 The girl raised her eyes, feeling the attention from all directions, and said calmly: "There is such a thing."

Liang Feng's words: "That friend of yours..."

Qiao Nian's dark eyes understood his thoughts, and she said concisely: "He is not from country Z, he is already in country m."

 “Uh…” As soon as these words came out, many people looked puzzled and confused.

 Aren’t people from country Z fighting the lawsuit for them?

Who wants to get involved in muddy waters?

Liang Feng took a deep breath: "Then, can I ask Miss Qiao, where is your friend from?"

"You ask even if it's inconvenient." The girl spoke frankly, but I could feel that she wasn't angry. She was simply impatient and asked questions like a prisoner: "M country."

There was a dead silence.

 The Zhou family looked at each other in shock.

A Chinese?

Zhou Xuxing was forcibly detained by the FBI this time. She hired an M countryman as a lawyer to file a lawsuit for Zhou Xuxing. She also thought that Zhou Xuxing would win the lawsuit and return to China.

 Old Mrs. Zhou looked with clear eyes in the direction of the girl. She was one of the more calm Zhou family members present and did not gossip about it.

Zhou's mother was more anxious: "People from M country, will he help us with the lawsuit? What if he leaks our information..."

 Father Zhou coughed and quickly grabbed her: "Okay."

 Old Mrs. Zhou didn't say anything, but she looked at Qiao Nian, silently waiting for the girl to give them an explanation. Qiao Nian's temples, which had not slept well, were throbbing, and her cerebral cortex had a tingling sensation like overcurrent, when she faced the attention of seven or eight pairs of eyes.

 She only said: "He won't do that."

What else did Zhou’s mother want to say: “But…” Who can guarantee that?

Liang Conglin stopped between the two parties and said, "Mrs. Zhou, Qiao Nian's friends will not do what you are worried about."

 Actually, the people present did not understand Qiao Nian's circle of friends. He was a person who had experienced it several times, but he knew Qiao Nian's luxurious circle of friends very well.

  She only said that she was a friend, maybe she was a big boss in this field.

If Qiao Nian really calls the big names in the legal field, it will only benefit them and not bring any harm to them in filing a lawsuit with the FBI. No matter how powerful Liang Feng is, no matter how much he specializes in international law, he still doesn't understand the law as well as a local gangster, right?

"We have to believe her, she won't make fun of Zhou Xuxing." Although Liang Conglin didn't know who Qiao Nian's friend was, he had already taken on the role of protecting Qiao Nian.

Mother Zhou pursed her lips, hesitated to speak, and looked in Qiao Nian's direction frequently. She still didn't believe Qiao Nian, and she didn't agree with the many people from M country in the legal team.

 Old Mrs. Zhou instead made the final decision: "Okay, I believe Miss Qiao."

 “Mom.” Zhou’s mother shouted hurriedly.

 Old Mrs. Zhou didn’t look at her and said to the others: “Let’s go through the security check.”

  No matter how much worry Zhou's mother had, she could only swallow it in her stomach, and supported Mrs. Zhou away with full of worries.

Dai Jiaqi lingered at the back, and when everyone was almost gone, he stopped in front of the girl with a complicated expression.

 “You didn’t do it on purpose, did you?”


 Qiao Nian was quite impatient.

 Dai Jiaqi was afraid of her, bit her lip again, and mustered up the courage to say, "We still want to compete fairly with you, so I hope you won't play tricks."

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