Published at 20th of May 2024 12:12:23 PM

Chapter 5444: Ye Wangchuan paid for everything behind his back

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Chapter 5444 Ye Wangchuan paid for everything behind his back

After she finished speaking, she didn't give Qiao Nian a chance to reply. She turned around and walked away quickly, as if someone was chasing her from behind, and she didn't even look back.

 Adam left in no hurry and saw Dai Jiaqi talking to Qiao Nian.

With a look of confusion on his face, he said: "What did she tell you, what about fair competition?"

Qiao Nian didn’t take Dai Jiaqi’s words at heart and replied slowly: “It’s nothing, she wants to catch butterflies.”

"Butterfly?" Adam saw her lifting her legs and leaving, and hurriedly followed her: "You people from country Z still like to catch butterflies?"

Soon he didn't understand and said: "Then she is catching her butterflies. Why do she tell you fair competition and warn you not to use tricks?"

Qiao Nian stopped, looked at him up and down with meaningful eyes, and finally answered: "Because she wants to catch butterflies in other people's homes!"

 Still a flower butterfly!


 After that, Qiao Nian and his party boarded the plane smoothly.

Ye Wangchuan generously booked all the first-class seats and arranged a seat for Qiao Nian by the window, with the left seat specially reserved.

 Qiao Nian got on the plane and asked for a blanket and an eye mask, took out her headphones from the storage compartment, put on her slippers and began to adjust her seat to sleep.

 It takes nearly 14 hours to fly from Beijing to Country M.

She has never liked flying, let alone such a long flight. Qiao Nian usually chooses to sleep until she lands.


  14 hours later.

 The plane landed at the airport in country m.

 Qiao Nian took a good nap, but the quality of her sleep was not good. When she got up, she still had the energy of waking up from sleep. Her short hair was raised a few strands. She picked up her shoulder bag and followed the others off the plane with an expressionless face.

 Waiting to walk out of the covered bridge.

Liang Feng told everyone: "There may be reporters from country M waiting for us outside. Remember, no matter what the reporters ask later, we will not answer." Mrs. Zhou and others nodded.

Liang Feng then walked side by side with Liang Conglin: "Principal Liang, should we take the subway later..."

Liang Conglin knew what he was going to ask: "A car has been arranged to pick us up. We will stay at the W Hotel near the embassy. The rooms have been reserved, one for each person, and the hotel will also free up a separate conference room for us to use for dining. Just tell me your room number at the hotel.”

 Everything is paid for by Ye Wangchuan behind his back.

Liang Feng was relieved: "Then let me tell the other people in the law firm."

Liang Conglin has no objection.

 Liang Feng himself is the first choice for domestic international lawsuits, but he runs a law firm, not a charity. This time he stepped forward for Zhou Xuxing's matter, and the fee he charged was not high, just a friendly price.

 But according to industry rules.

 The expenses incurred by Liang Feng and the accompanying lawyer on their business trip to country m must be paid by the employer.

Liang Feng was also afraid that the Zhou family would not make arrangements, so he asked in advance. He didn't mean anything else. If Liang Conglin and the others didn't make arrangements, he would pay for the accommodation and expenses of the casual group of lawyers who came with him.

"That's right." As if he remembered something, he suddenly returned to Liang Conglin and frowned slightly: "I can't tell. It's the friend Qiao Nian was looking you know who it is?"

Liang Conglin shook his head calmly: "I don't know."

Liang Feng had a headache and held his forehead: "Then where will he meet us? We are about to discuss the next lawsuit."

Liang Conglin didn't say much: "I'll ask her for you later."

Liang Feng stopped at the right moment and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Principal Liang."

Liang Conglin said: "You're welcome."

Liang Feng went to the legal team to explain the next issue of accommodation and food. Liang Conglin ran back to ask Qiao Nian about 'that friend'.

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