Published at 20th of May 2024 12:12:19 PM

Chapter 5447: Sure enough, someone is causing trouble behind my back.

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Chapter 5447 Sure enough, someone is causing trouble behind the scenes

She doesn't expect the garbage to be of much use. She just wants to dump the garbage on Qiao Nian. She doesn't want to cause harm to Qiao Nian. At least it will disgust him and give him a fishy stench.

Who knew that even this small wish could not be realized.

 Elena's eyes showed cold hatred: "It's still so difficult to deal with!"

Her fingers curled up and her fingernails pinched the palm of her hand until it turned white. She seemed to feel no pain.

 The corner of his mouth curled up with a cold sarcasm.

With his eyes turning, he said to himself with a hint of evil: "It doesn't matter, the time is still long, take your time..."

 Seeing her talking to herself, the driver wished he was not in the car. He was afraid of seeing the secret being sealed, and he panicked and lowered his sense of existence.

 Fortunately, Elena didn't treat him as a human being at all. After being distracted for a while, the screen of the mobile phone at hand lit up.

 She saw the caller ID.

 Suppressed the flash of anger that flashed across his eyebrows.

 She became indifferent again and ordered the driver.

"go back."


 The center surrounded by people.

 Qiao Nian held down the big man. The strong white man changed his arrogance and screamed on the ground like a slaughtered pig. He kept trying to break free of his shackles, but it seemed in vain.

 He screamed wildly and without any purpose under the severe pain.

 “Let me go.”

 “I, I’m going to call the police.”


 He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Believe it or not, if you move just one more time, I will destroy your hand..." The girl pressed him to the ground casually, and only said one word to shut up the yelling man. The man lying on the ground like a dead pig had a look of horror on his face, his muscles were trembling, and he opened his mouth to speak but did not dare.

His whole body was as stiff as a muscle, and he didn't dare to move anymore.

 A bold reporter spoke at this time.

 “You are intentionally hurting others!”

"Oh, then you call the police." The girl raised her eyes arrogantly, and met her eyes accurately from the crowd. She was not shy and was not afraid.

 The reporter was so frightened that he did not dare to say anything.

Qiao Nian ignored these people and saw someone coming from the crowd.

She raised her lips and told the reporters at the scene: "Just in time, my lawyer is here. If you want to call the police or block the road, you can tell him."

 Everyone looked in the direction she said.

A tall foreign man appeared in everyone's sight. He was wearing a straight suit with a dark and elegant color. The suit was well-tailored and had smooth lines. The open collar revealed his strong figure.

 He walked with steady steps, each step seemed to be carefully calculated and leisurely. When he saw Qiao Nian, he immediately whistled.

 Then he joked gently: "Wow, Q, what are you doing?"

Qiao Nian replied impatiently: "He came out of nowhere and attacked us with a bucket. I just caught him as an active criminal."

"Intentional harm?" Mihir showed a thoughtful expression, took out a delicate pen from his suit pocket, and took out a small notebook to write down.

 “Do you need to send him to jail for half a month to study law?”

 Qiao Nian looked back at him with a look of "What do you think?" and was too lazy to speak.

Michiel realized what she meant and took out her mobile phone to call the police. She didn't care about the reporters at the scene who reported their location: "Hello, someone at JFK Airport used unknown liquid to attack others. Please call the police as soon as possible. Thank you."

 After he made the call to the police, he saw the media reporters gathered around and asked everyone politely.

 “Do you have anything else to do?”

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