Published at 27th of April 2021 02:57:27 PM

Chapter 56: 56

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Chapter 56 Invisible Rolling

Cai Gang didn’t see it, and remembered something. He said to the people in the Academic Affairs Office: “By the way, I remembered one more thing. Didn’t a child fall into the water some time ago? Some citizens wrote a letter of praise, saying it’s one thing. Middle school students bravely dived to save people, which is also what Qiao Nian said."

"It is said that there were other middle school students there at the time, who were afraid of danger and refused to go and save people. So Qiao Nian jumped down to save people in spite of their own danger..."

Neither Shen Qiongzhi nor Qiao An could hear what he said behind them. They only felt hot and painful on their faces, and their faces were almost swollen.

They watched as the dean of teaching shook hands with Cai Gang, and then sent Cai Gang and the others out. They couldn't squeeze out a word.


In the Office of the Academic Affairs Office.

Cai Gang just hurriedly came and left.

But the atmosphere in the office has completely changed.

Shen Qiongzhi, Qiao An and others are sitting on pins and needles, and the teacher who was on Qiao Nian's side at the beginning of the teaching director exhales instantly.

The dean of teaching is a good person, and he didn’t say anything just now. He only gently said to Qiao Nian, “It’s okay, you can go back to class.”


Qiao Nian answered, took his own things, and passed by with Shen Qiongzhi and others. Without stopping for a moment, he left.

The dean of teaching waited for her to go out, and then said with a faint smile: "Mrs. Joe, I think you have figured out what happened. You just asked Qiao Nian to drop out. The school disagrees. You shouldn't Opinion?"

Shen Qiongzhi pinched the bag in his hand, his face seemed to be slapped, and the throat was full of bubbles.

With her present status, where did she encounter this humiliation today, but she found this humiliation herself!

Blocked so that she has nothing to say!


Coming out of the teaching office, Qiao Nian walked back to the class.

Just walked to the corridor.

Qiao Ni suddenly caught up from behind and stopped her.


Qiao Nian twisted his eyebrows, his eyes quickly flashed with impatience, his footsteps stopped, and he turned his head, extremely indifferent: "Something?"

Her attitude!

Qiao An, holding back the unhappiness in his heart, his eyes circled around. At this moment, it was the break time between the two classes. Many students came out of the classroom to breathe, and many people had already noticed them.

She lowered her eyelashes and bit her lip, as if it were difficult to speak, she said softly: "Sister, you shouldn't have let Aunt Fu and the others get off the stage... Even if we misunderstood you, you can explain to us. Just now, if you Explain to us first, and it won't make mom...make my mom so embarrassed."

"Aunt Fu's family has relatives who are the leaders of the Education Department. If you are like this, if she gets offended, why are you studying around the city... You didn't return to Luohe County. Staying in the city around the city is not just because you want to study and go to university? Change the destiny of the family, you... don't be so impulsive next time."

Qiao Nian patiently listened to her, and saw her shut up. The tail of her eyes was red, and her eyes were dark: "Done?"

Qiao Chi squeezed his fingers tightly in the flesh, his weak face looked a little ugly, his lips were pale and he couldn't see clearly, and nodded: "...that's done."

"Don't follow me after you say it, noisy!"

The noise made her upset!

Qiao Nian took down these words and turned away, leaving her with a beautiful and shabby back!


What is humiliation!

You go to the door by yourself, crackling and saying a lot of things, people don’t care at all, just as you fart!

Qiao Chi's complexion changed slightly, her nails were about to bleed from her nails, and she stood there, making her eyes red with anger.

Qiao thought she was proud of what she was doing, but she was praised by the police for bravery. For this, she offended the Fu family. She was so stupid that she would roll back to Luohe County sooner or later!


The fact that a class flower came from class A has spread throughout the whole school since yesterday. It is said that class A class flower is very beautiful. Others have long wanted to see which of the two is more beautiful!

So when the two were standing together from the beginning, there were a lot of onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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