Published at 27th of April 2021 02:57:25 PM

Chapter 58: 58

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Chapter 58 The post on the post bar suddenly disappeared

The boys who watched the posts were taken aback. They hurriedly raised their phones. They didn't dare to look at Qiao Nian who came in from behind, with a guilty expression: "We, let's look at the school post, the post bar said so."

"Then you can't talk nonsense!"

Shen Qingqing is a member of the study committee. She yelled with this voice. Several boys were slouching their heads as if they were doing something wrong. They were all embarrassed to look at the eyes of Qiao Nian who came in from behind. The voice was smaller than that of a mosquito: "We also think it is posted. It’s nonsense. Qiao Nian took the test at the Office of Academic Affairs, and the dean of teachers was watching, how could it be possible to cheat."

But the person on the post bar is justified, and I don’t know where I found the transcript of Qiao Nian’s previous school.

The results are so-so. Anyway, they will never pass the A class.

It really looks like cheating or going through the back door.

"Qiao Nian never cheated!"

Shen Qingqing stood firmly on Qiao Nian's side, holding Qiao Nian's hand, wanting her to say something.

"Qiao Nian, tell them that you were admitted by yourself, so you didn't cheat as they said."

Several pairs of eyes fell on her, Qiao Nian never thought of responding to such boring things, but couldn’t hold back her persistence. He pressed his lips, carelessly, and said: "The mouth grows on someone else. What do you say about love."

"But, you just let them talk nonsense?" Shen Qingqing was a little anxious, more worried about her.

When she got along with Qiao Nian, she knew that her new tablemate was cold outside and hot inside. She didn't seem to be able to talk, but she was actually very nice.

For example, when she helped close the window, she gave her such a beautiful bracelet as a meeting gift.

Also, she didn’t help and caused her to roll over at the ‘Exterminator’s wife’, and she didn’t blame herself.

They went to the cafeteria to eat at noon today or Qiao Nian silently paid the bill.

She is obviously a very good person, how can those people open their mouths and talk nonsense.

Shen Qingqing turned his head, clenched his hands into fists, and said to the boys: "Anyway, Qiao Nian must have not cheated! Those people are nonsense, don't believe it!"

Qiao Nian's eyes paused on her angry face, and her eyes became more contemplative.

The class bell rang in the afternoon.

Returning to his seat, Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair and took out his mobile phone, found the school post of No. 1 Middle School, and saw the top post at a glance.

[What to get into Class A with a perfect score, Qiao Nian is cheating and going through the back door at all. This is her grades in the previous school! 】

She clicked on her green fingers, and there were a few pictures posted inside, showing her previous test results.

Qing Yishui's passing line passed.

She squinted her eyes and didn't know how she operated, so she blinked her eyes, and the post disappeared like magic.


Class B, Zhao Jingwei is tirelessly replying to the news on the post bar.

Seeing so many people questioning Qiao Nian, the corners of her mouth couldn't help raising her mouth. Suddenly, a system reminder popped up in her reply.

[The post you replied to does not exist or has been deleted, please try again later. ]


Zhao Jingwei abruptly stood up from her seat, her face was extremely ugly, she was still holding her mobile phone in her hand: "Delete? Who did it!"

Class B is taking a chemistry class. The teacher asked two questions on the blackboard and is asking everyone to do it.

She made such a sudden noise, and everyone around her was startled, and they looked at her one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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