Published at 27th of April 2021 02:57:24 PM

Chapter 59: 59

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Chapter 59 Sooner or later I will get you out of one

The chemistry teacher's face instantly turned black to the color of the bottom of the pot, staring sharply at her, pointing to the blackboard blankly, and shouting: "Zhao Jingwei, come up, you will answer the question on the blackboard."

was called by the teacher, and she found out that she was still in class. She didn't listen to the lecture at all. She could do the questions. She bit her lip, her face was pale with fright, and she stood there at a loss: "Teacher, I..."

Qiao 嗔 sat in the center of the third row like the heart of the crowd, heard the movement behind, looked at the mobile phone in Zhao Jingwei's hand, and took the initiative to raise her hand.


She has already decided to **** people to her art, and she is also a top literary student in the class. She has a bright future. The teacher in the class gives her some face. Seeing her raise her hand, her face slowed down and she squeezed out a smile.

"Qiao Jiao, what's the matter?"

Qiao 嗔 picked up the broken hair in his ear, and said softly: "I think of a solution for the three questions, can I try it?"

"This..." The chemistry teacher deliberately taught Zhao Jingwei who was playing with her mobile phone in his class, but she spoke. The teacher quickly thought about the Qiao family behind her, hesitated for a moment, sold her face to her, and raised her face at Zhao Jingwei. Chin, said impatiently; "Okay, sit down!"

While spring breeze said to Qiao An with a face full of spring breeze: "Student Qiao, come on, let me see if your idea of ​​solving the problem is correct."

Qiao Jia stood up and walked to the podium.

Zhao Jingwei in the back row escaped, she couldn't help but cast a grateful look at her, and sat down with lingering fear.

gritted her teeth, her eyes flickering.

What method did Qiao Nian use?

How did the school post it disappear suddenly?


It's time for school soon.

Shen Qingqing packed up her schoolbags, and hopped around inviting her: "Qiao Nian, do you want to go home together?"

"No more."

Qiao did not read anything, Shen Qingqing saw that she had thrown gum, mobile phone and a tablet into her schoolbag, and she zipped up her schoolbag without even taking a book.

Qiao Nian put the shoulder bag on his left shoulder, got up, full of anger: "I have something to go to somewhere."

Shen Qingqing watched that she really didn’t plan to take the book back, oh, and reluctantly said: "Okay, then we will be together next time."


Qiao said yes, which is considered to have agreed to her.

She immediately showed a happy smile on her face, like a little girl who had made an appointment with an idol. Liang Bowen, who had also packed her schoolbag, pouted jealously, and looked at Qiao Nian. She had long waist and long legs. She was a woman. !

"People have promised that you have an appointment next time. Why are you standing stupidly? Let's go!" He hooked the stupid Shen Qingqing by the neck and dragged the person out of the classroom.

Qiao Nian watched the back of the two men clamoring, raised his eyebrows, put the chair back, and stepped away with beautiful legs.

As a result, she walked to the door of the classroom, and a person ran over angrily and blocked her at the door.

"Qiao Nian, did you delete the posts on the school post bar?"

Who is Zhao Jingwei who has finally found a chance after enduring all afternoon?

With her voice, many people watch the excitement.

Qiao Nian frowned, raised her indifferently, and spit out a few words: "Get out of the way, a good dog won't get in the way!"


Zhao Jingwei's family conditions are average, but she has been with Qiao Wei. Everyone knows that she and Qiao Wei have a good relationship. Qiao Wei is a well-known second-generation rich in the school. The people in the school will show her some face.

She was said by Qiao Nian, her face flushed, she gritted her teeth, and shouted angrily: "Don't be arrogant, one day, I will expose your true face to everyone and let you get out of the game!"

Qiao Nian has already bypassed her, and even bother to talk to her.

(End of this chapter)

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