Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:46 PM

Chapter 652: 652

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Chapter 652 The President of National Tsing Hua University came to circle the city in person

Qiao Hao craned his neck and looked inside frequently. He couldn't see Cheng Wu's figure for a long time. He couldn't help but lower his voice and asked, "Auntie, why hasn't Professor Cheng Wu come out?"

Wei Ling was quite calm, holding the bouquet, replying with no expression on her face: "What anxious, it's not that someone hasn't come out. Professor Cheng may be walking behind."

"..." Qiao Wei turned his head to the entrance again when he heard the words, worried that he couldn't hide in his eyes.

Tang Wei is no longer sure to come. If Professor Cheng Wu also releases her pigeons, her college entrance banquet is somewhat nondescript.

Fortunately, during a cup of tea, a familiar middle-aged man walked out of the airport gate.

"This is not coming out." Wei Ling saw the man coming out of it for the first time. After speaking, she went forward to meet her.

smiled and handed the bouquet to the middle-aged man who seemed to be in good spirits: "Professor Cheng, thank you for your willingness to travel far and wide, and take the time to come over to attend the 嗔嗔 promotion banquet. Welcome."

"Thank you." Cheng Wu took the bouquet she handed over, and said with insight: "Chairman Wei, you are too polite."

He turned his head to look at the girl next to Wei Ling, smiled and said: "Qiao An is my student, and I will definitely come over to attend her promotion banquet when I have time."

In fact, the Finance Department of National Tsing Hua University enrolls at least a few hundred students every year. He is a department head and a well-known finance expert in China. How can he put every student at ease.

He came to attend Qiao An’s college entrance banquet. To put it bluntly, it was not because of the face of Wei Ling, but also the face of the Shen family.

Otherwise, just relying on Qiao Ai, a student majoring in music and minoring in finance, it is impossible for him to waste two days on a trip from Beijing to the small place around the city.

But he was young, just like Liang Lu, and he was in his current position when he was less than fifty years old. Neither EQ nor IQ was good enough, and he knew how to behave, even if he didn’t actually take Qiao An in his heart, and talked about the scene. Still a set.

"Qiao Ai did well in the entrance exam this time. She is an art student and scored 589 points in the cultural exam, which is considered a high score among this batch of candidates. During the interview, she performed well. I saw that the teacher asked her questions. The answer is clear and logical. If such a student didn’t like music, I would have let her come to the Department of Finance.” Cheng Wu mentioned Qiao An and said to Wei Ling with a smile: “But it’s okay. She majors in music. You can also study finance with me."

Wei Ling is an old fried dough stick in the circle. She is shrewd. She is not as excited as Qiao An. She takes a few casual polite sentences as true. She smiled and said in four or two ways: "It's because you have good luck and got the appreciation of Professor Cheng. , I only hope that she can study with you well in the future, and don't disappoint you."

Cheng Wu followed her with a few polite words, and then walked outside the terminal building together. While walking, he said to Wei Ling: "Chairman Wei, I was so embarrassed to ask you to wait for a long time. I could have ordered it in advance. Our principal’s luggage was gone. I helped him find it. It took a while..."

Wei Ling was not relieved in the first half of the sentence. In the second half of his sentence, Wei Ling cared, and immediately looked at him with a look of surprise and said: "The President of National Tsing Hua University has also come around the city?"

She was really surprised. She didn't expect that the principal of National Tsing Hua University would personally come to a small place like the city.

You must know that National Tsing Hua University is one of the most authoritative institutions in the country. Of course, the president of National Tsing Hua University cannot be as simple as just a principal.

(End of this chapter)

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