Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:37 PM

Chapter 748: 748

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Chapter 748 Misunderstanding, you have a lot of small movements

Master Cheng is faster than her: "Don’t be busy rejecting me. I don’t mean to force you to study bioengineering. I just say that you can come and follow me if you have time, in case you are interested in this later. It's...right?"

When others said this, Qiao Nian couldn't refuse any more. If she refused, she was ignorant. She reluctantly raised her hand and said, "I will try my best."

"That's it."

Master Cheng laughed, and he was quite happy. It happened that the results of the experimental reactor came out. He asked a few people on the side to record the data of the reactor, and then took time out to let Qiao Nian give him acupuncture after he was busy.

Acupuncture is time-consuming.

It took Qiao Nian more than four hours to finish it yesterday.

Today is better than yesterday. It took more than two hours before becoming a master.

Qiao Nian pulled out the needles on his acupuncture points one by one, put them away, put them in the bag, and chatted with Master Cheng again.

A group of talents walked out of the experimental base of the Nine Institute.

Bo Jingxing had other things. He had a foresight to chat with them and walked away. In a blink of an eye, only Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan were left on the way back, as well as Chen Zhu and Gu.

Chen Zhu walked side by side with Qiao Nian at first.

Walking, Gu San looked for a chance and dragged his shoulders to the back, gradually widening the gap with the two in front.

The temperature in Beijing was quite low in the past two days, but Ye Wangchuan wore a thin, thin black sweater with a long windbreaker. He was tall and handsome.

He slowed down and walked with the girl, his thin lips curved from beginning to end, and he could see that he was in an open mood.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and asked the girl who stopped with him: "Is it cold?"

"Huh?" Qiao Nian blinked her eyes, her eyelashes were long and curly, not good-looking.

Ye Wangchuan naturally grabbed her hand, touched it, and smiled again. His eyes were as bright as the waves, bright and dazzling: "Tsk, fingertips are a bit cold."

As he said, he took off the scarf from his neck, lowered his head, carefully wrapped the scarf around the girl’s neck, and gathered it in circles until the warm scarf wrapped the girl tightly, then raised his hand and rubbed it. The hair on top of her head has a restrained tone: "Did I ask Gu San to eat the breakfast for you in the morning?"

Most of Qiao Nian's face was wrapped in a scarf, only a pair of beautiful eyes were exposed. He was obviously a little overwhelmed by his series of actions. His eyebrows were frowned, but he did not dodge, and his fair skin was wrapped under the dark scarf. It appeared that her skin was whiter, and it was as delicate and transparent as white enamel.

"Well, I ate it, the shrimp dumplings taste good. Did you buy it at Yufu?"

Ye Wangchuan saw that she hadn't avoided, and he stretched his hand on top of her head and rubbed it again, his thin lips curled up, sultry and unconscious: "I'll go to the line up at 6:30 in the morning."

This time Qiao Nian finally avoided. After avoiding, he said dryly: "Master Wang still needs to line up?"

How does she remember that Qin Si accidentally revealed that Ye Wangchuan was one of the bosses behind Yufu, and that the boss had to wait in line to buy his own stuff?

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows and looked directly at her. His eyes met, and he laughed again. His voice was as low as a subwoofer, low-melt and charming: "I think that his breakfast tastes good before I come. , You haven’t eaten yet, just drove over temporarily. Because it was too sudden and there was no preparation in the kitchen, you just waited there for an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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