Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:52 PM

Chapter 780: 780

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Chapter 780 My artist is not doing it for no reason

He is one of the few people who knows why Jiang Li would act impulsively this time. Xue Ziang said bad things about his sister in front of his brother. It is only strange that his violent temper can be restrained.

Jiang Li will do it, he is not surprised at all.

If it were not for the large number of on-site staff that day, and quickly pulled the two away, he estimated that Xue Ziang was not as simple as the bridge of his nose being interrupted, at least he would have to lie in bed for ten and a half days.

He knew in his heart that it was a secret to chase the light from his brother’s sister. He knew it, but outsiders didn’t know it!

It seems to outsiders that the nature of this matter is extremely bad.

First of all, Jiang Li’s coffee position is tens of thousands of miles higher than Xue Ziang’s eighteenth line. It is easy to be said to be bullying, and another Jiang Li is the first to do it.

They can’t take care of it.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, the agent raised his head and quickly continued: "Well, Jiang Li has a variety show invitation. There is still a lack of flying guests in that show. I think Xue Ziang is very suitable. What does Chu think? "

Yi Jiangli’s current cafe wants to take on variety shows and wants to bring a newcomer, but no show group will refuse.

This can be regarded as an exchange of resources, let this matter calm down.

This sale is very cost-effective.

Jiang Li’s popularity has always been high, and he rarely participates in variety shows. Every time he participates in a show, the fans are always very strong. The topics he participates in are extremely topical, and many artists want to inquire about it and want to squeeze in.

Xue Ziang was confused about the status of the person before the beating incident. Eighteen-line artists like this had no chance to appear on the show.

Who knows, Chu Yao did not accept the resource replacement he proposed, with her arms around her chest, and a full expression: "You mean let us shut up after taking this program invitation, when this happened?"


"I tell you, we don’t need this kind of insincere apology if we don’t show up on this show. If Jiang Li apologizes sincerely, you can let him apologize to Xue Ziang. Didn’t Xue Ziang post on Weibo? I remember Jiang Li also has Weibo. ."

She really dare to think about it!

Actually want Jiang Li to apologize to Xue Ziang publicly!

What's the difference between this and stepping on Jiang Li to give your own artist grass heat!

The agent almost laughed angrily, his face was blue and white.

Chu Yao was not polite, squinted her eyes slightly, smiled, pretending to be sure of the matter, and whispered: "We only accept this kind of apology!"

"Anyway, the results of Xue Ziang's inspection have not come out. We reserve the right to call the police for three days. You can take care of it, or you can go back and discuss with Jiang Li to see what he means."

The agent's face was quite ugly. He stared at her and said dullly: "Mr. Chu, you are all in a circle. You must do everything right?"

Chu Yao is determined to hold the 18th line and step on Jiang Li's upper position this time.

"I just said that if our celebrities did the right thing about beating people," he said meaningfully, "but Xue Ziang is not innocent when he was beaten this time. He knows what he has done himself, and some fans saw it with his own eyes. Over."

Chu Yao had learned about the scene with Xue Ziang’s assistant before she came, including the Weibo that Xue Ziang posted on Weibo, she also personally read it, otherwise how to post it.

The hot comments below, she of course saw it.

But she didn't worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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