Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:51 PM

Chapter 881: 881

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Chapter 881 Nian Nian, maybe no one will come

Without waiting for the person at the other end to ask, she checked the time, looked down slowly and said slowly: "About half an hour to the place to eat."

She got off the plane at 10:30, exited the terminal at 10:40, and was able to arrive at about 11:10. If there is a traffic jam on the road, it may be delayed until 11:30.

The meal time is set at twelve o'clock, how can she arrive early.

Qiao Nian thought that Jiang Zongnan was urging her to go there earlier. Who knows, the man on the other side was silent for a while, with a little guilt in his deep voice, and said embarrassingly: "No hurry, come slowly, pay attention to safety on the road. ."

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows, his expression a little surprised.

"Nan Nian."

Jiang Zongnan on the phone called her again.

Qiao Nian put his hand on the car window, half-squinted his eyes, looked lazy and uttered, and reacted quickly: "What happened?"

"I..." Jiang Zongnan looked hard to say, I don't know how to tell her, but I can't say no, Qiao Nian will be there soon, he took a deep breath, and said in a low tone of embarrassment, "That... there may not be much school banquet today. People, just a few friends from our family came to gather together."

Qiao Nian's eyes darkened, his hand on the car window paused for a second, and the end of his eyes was lifted slightly, his eyes look very evil.

She doesn’t care how many people have dinner together at noon, but she can hear the tone of the old father Jiang calling her before. Jiang’s family originally planned to have a big event, and there should be some “accident” in the middle, which resulted in not many people in the end. Will come.

"Sorry, your grandfather and I originally said to call more people to have fun, but we called to ask. Many people couldn't come today because of things..."

Qiao Nian came back to his senses, and pulled the brim of his hat, his expression was faint, obviously not paying attention: "It's okay, just eat a home-cooked meal. People eat less and feel more comfortable."

Jiang Zongnan didn’t seem to know what to say, and it took him a long time to say: “Then tell me when you arrive, I’ll come out to pick you up.”


Qiao said concisely, waited until he hung up the phone, slowly put down the phone, squinted his eyes, and leaned in the seat relaxedly, as if thinking about something, the whole person was absent-minded.

Ye Wangchuan sat beside her, watching her thoughtful look after the phone call, turned her head, held her finger, and asked her: "What's the matter?"

Qiao Nian squeezed the tip of his finger again, and found out speechlessly that he seemed to like to play with his fingers. She took out her hand, held the phone, flipped through the address book, and said, "Nothing, just my second uncle called. Tell me that I don’t have to worry about going there. There are few people to eat at noon. I’m wondering if I want to call some friends over."

"No one went to eat at noon?" Ye Wangchuan tilted his head back, his eye-catching face was astonished, as if he didn't expect this to happen.

He was the same as Qiao Nian thought. This time, Mr. Jiang made it clear that he would introduce Qiao Nian to the people in Beijing by the name of the college entrance banquet. How could it be possible that few people went to the college entrance banquet, so I ate this meal. It's meaningless...

He turned his head and looked at the girl's indifferent profile. The brim of his hat covered her exquisite and excessive face. Only the cold chin was exposed. He was playing with his mobile phone with his head down. His temperament was exceptional, even if he was restrained. The field also gives people a sense of existence that cannot be ignored.

He seemed to think of something, and suddenly chuckled, and instantly understood the plight of the Jiang family.

(End of this chapter)

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