Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:50 PM

Chapter 882: 882

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Chapter 882 Sister Nian called in person

Qiao Nian has been staying around the city and has never been to Beijing. Only a few times in Beijing, he either went to Weijia or stayed with him in the 9th.

Neither place is within reach of ordinary people.

She is very low-key every time, and basically returns to the city the next day after finishing her own business.

So few people in Beijing know her existence.

Suddenly, Mr. Jiang invited everyone to dinner and said that he would introduce his granddaughter to everyone. When those people heard that Qiao Nian came from around the city, she was a girl with an ordinary background who had been living in a small place outside for more than ten years. Look down on her...

I think it’s just a waste of time to come over and eat this meal.

It was then that Elder Jiang and her second uncle called and invited those people over for dinner, and those people made excuses to shirk them.

I am afraid that in the hearts of those people, Qiao Nian is just a dispensable person found by the Jiang family, and Jiang Xianrou has the final say.

"Hey." He smiled on his lips, the whole person felt like a spring breeze, and he seemed to have a good temper, but his fingers fiddled with the beads on his wrists, and the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

A closer look reveals that his eyes are extremely dark and cold.

His people have never been bullied like this!

It’s okay if these people don’t come, don’t cry for your father and mother to beg and want to come to eat this meal...

He took out his cell phone, and in front of Qiao Nian he couldn't make phone calls, so he changed to sending messages.

He first sent a message to Ye Lan, and then another to Ye Lao. After sending it, he went to the group of people around him and asked if he had time and where they were. Whenever he has time, he rolls to the Yufu quickly and eats at noon!


Qiao Nian didn't see him sitting there lazily sending messages. She flipped through the people in the address book, found a few people who had stayed in Beijing all the year round, and made a phone call.

She doesn't care how many people come to eat at noon. According to her personality, there are too many people and it is troublesome. She is very annoyed about socializing.

For her, the fewer people, the better.

save trouble.

You can leave after eating.

It's just that the tone of the phone that Jiang Zongnan made to her just now made her very concerned, let alone apologized to her guilty.

is... very dry!

Obviously it was not a big deal, her chest was like an unknown fire burning up inexplicably.

"Hey, Jinan, um, something...have a lunch in the air? Ah, my college entrance banquet is on the third floor of Yufu."

The voice of the girls in the car is low and nice, and the speed of speech is casual.

Gu San and the Ye family driver in the front row could hear the name of Ji Nan so familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere.

Gu San desperately thought about where he had heard it before, but did not remember it for a while.

Before he could almost understand, Qiao Nian hung up the phone and made a new call: “I’ll have dinner on the third floor of Yufu. I will come at noon. Come here early.”

Gu San: "……"

How does he feel that Ms. Qiao is not in Beijing, but there are many people who know Beijing.

These calls, one after another, listening to Ms. Qiao’s tone, these people are all people from Beijing, otherwise Ms. Qiao would not directly report the address for eating, and did not ask if the other party was in Beijing.

Since you don’t ask, they must all be in Beijing.

As soon as Qiao read the phone call, he also heard some corners. From Miss Qiao's words, he could probably guess the current situation.

Gu San has always regarded Qiao Nian as his own, not to mention the delusion asked him before, whether he will stand in line in the future, he said that he will stand on Qiao Nian's side.

Ms. Qiao encounters this kind of thing, Gu San admits that she has an obligation to do something.

He thought about it, and found his mobile phone and started contacting someone who could be called.

(End of this chapter)

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