Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:48 PM

Chapter 883: 883

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Chapter 883 A special trip to watch the excitement

Outside the Yufu Hotel, Wei Ling and Shen Qiongzhi arrived late. They did not go to the banquet hall, and found a place by the window to drink water on the third floor.

The waiter sent a pot of top-notch bamboo leaf green, and the celadon white-glazed tea set had a sense of national style. Wei Ling sat on the corner of the sofa, slowly holding up the tea cup, and took a sip of tea in a good mood.

Diagonally opposite her was the place to eat. Tang Wanru and Jiang Zongnan stood outside to greet the guests, saying they were greeting guests. She sat for ten minutes and saw that only one or two people came, or the kind of unrecognizable faces.

In this situation, Wei Ling was in a good mood. The tea she served was refreshing and sweet, and she had endless aftertastes.

Drinking, she was in a happy mood and stretched her eyebrows.

"It's almost noon, and it seems that few people are coming. Hehe, what a college banquet, I think it's a joke." Shen Qiongzhi sat opposite her with a regretful expression, and said in a low voice, "Losing Jiang The old man was so embarrassed to send us an invitation. I had known that I had called Weimin to go with me, and went inside to watch the jokes!"

Wei Ling fiddled with the tea cup, dismissing her words, but the corners of her mouth were raised: "They won't see it when they take a picture."

They had heard before that Jiang Xianrou had deliberately caused Kiezi to mess up Qiao Nian's college banquet when she didn't come, so today they came to watch the excitement.

However, neither Shen Jingyan nor Qiao Weimin came.

Mainly disdain to engage in these small actions.

Wei Ling doesn’t think her action to watch the excitement is a small act. It is rare to see Qiao Nian’s joke once, and she doesn’t mind wasting some time.

"I'll take a picture and send it to Jing Yan." She said, took out her mobile phone, and took a picture at the entrance of Menting Luo Que's banquet hall. She also took a picture of Jiang Zongnan's worried expression but still squeezed out a smiling face.

After taking the photo, she was in a good mood and sent it to Shen Jingyan.

also added a sentence below.

[It's eleven o'clock noon, and no one came to Qiao Nian's entrance banquet today. ]

After sending the message, she cocked her mouth and asked Shen Qiongzhi, who was sitting across from her, "Did you bring the invitation letter sent to you by the Jiang family?"

"Bring it." Shen Qiongzhi pulled out the red invitation letter from his handbag, and smiled: "I must bring this kind of thing with me, in case we want to go'eat a meal' at noon..."

Wei Ling took a deep look at her. For the first time, she felt that she was not hopelessly stupid, and she knew to take the invitation letter before going out.

She took the invitation letter Shen Qiongzhi put on the table, got up, carrying her handbag, and was getting ready to go'congratulations'.

Who knows, I suddenly saw a familiar figure——Yuan Yongqin at the corner of my eyes?


Yuan Yongqin was still dressed as a professional woman, with a few people from the Yuan family in Beijing, politely walked to Jiang Zongnan and Tang Wanru, and handed the red envelopes.

"Congratulations, I heard that she is hosting a promotion banquet here today."

Yuan Yongqin herself is a successful woman in the shopping mall. She has long been accustomed to these greetings. She speaks smoothly and nicely. She gives Zu Jiang Zongnan face, but she is so smooth and can be a person, and she stingy with Tang Wanru who is beside Jiang Zongnan all the time. I didn't even look at it, as if I didn't see it.

"The Deputy Secretary Jiang will not blame me for uninviting me."

She smiled and said politely.

Jiang Zongnan didn't expect Yuan Yongqin to come, but he heard Jiang Li talk about the relationship between Qiao Nian and Yuan Yongqin of Chengfeng Group. He recovered and immediately greeted people to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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